Mustard oil also famous as sarson ka tel is a common part accessible in roughly each Indian kitchen. However, with appearance of other oils in a marketplace labelled as ‘healthy’ or ‘heart-friendly,’ mustard oil has mislaid a prior importance. But a oil has a lot to offer when it comes to beauty and skincare. detached from gripping your skin glowing, it helps foster hair expansion and give whiter teeth. Here are few ways how mustard oil can assistance raise your beauty.
Skin caring with mustard oil
Mustard oil can assistance we get intense skin, revoke pigmentation and passage wrinkles and acne in a bud. You can use this oil in multiple with other kitchen mixture or only request it on your face to reap a benefits. Here is how a oil can assistance we revitalise your beauty.
#1 It acts as natural sunscreen: Forget about using a sunscreen with SPF 30+ or more, mustard oil can just do the trick. Being thick in consistency and having high levels of Vitamin E makes this vegetable oil a natural sunscreen. The Vitamin E in the oil helps to protect the skin from the harsh sun rays and other environmental toxins. In fact, it also helps to prevent wrinkles and arrests premature aging of the skin. However, if you are to replace your sunscreen with mustard oil, make sure that you massage your face well so that there is no excess oil on your face. Else it could lead to collection of dust on your face and do your skin more damage than good.
#2 It lightens tan and dark spots: Massaging mustard oil on your face regularly can help reduce tan and lighten dark spots and pigmentation. Make a face mask by mixing mustard oil with besan or gram flour, one teaspoon of curd and few drops of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients well and apply it on your face and neck. Wash your face after 10 to 15 minutes and try applying the face mask at least thrice a week for best results.
#3 Improves complexion: Contrary to popular belief that oil can make your skin look dark and rob you of your complexion, the reality is exact the opposite. To do it right, mix equal amounts of coconut and mustard oil and apply it on your face. Massage in circular motion till your skin absorbs all the oil and makes it feel moistened and supple. Regular massage will help improve circulation on your face, lightening your skin and reduce pimples too.
#4 Protects chapped lips: If your lip balm doesn’t give you long lasting results, dab mustard oil on your lips instead. The thick vegetable oil is known to be a natural moisturiser that can do wonders on your skin and lips. It can heal chapped lips better than packaged lip balms.
#5 Acts as a natural cleanser: Topical application of mustard oil stimulates sweat glands and opens the pores of the skin. This helps in reducing body temperature and removes toxins, unwanted salts and water from the body. Mustard oil disperses into the skin swiftly. When the oil is massaged on the face enzymes activated by body heat transports the oil to the areas that needs attention effectively. This helps the skin to get cleansed naturally within minutes.
Hair care with mustard oil:
Like your skin even your hair can benefit with regular usage of mustard oil. Here is how mustard oil helps to improve your hair health.
#6 It improves scalp health: Mustard oil also have a variety of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It helps to combat fungal infections in the scalp when massaged regularly. It keeps the scalp clean and wards of dandruff, the most common of all hair problems. It improves scalp heath which leads to strong and lustrous hair. You can mix equal quantities of mustard oil with olive and coconut oil and massage your hair from root to tip. Cover your hair with a warm towel for 10 minutes after the massage. Wash off your hair with water and a mild shampoo after two hours.
#7 It prevents premature greying: Mustard oil is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that make it an ideal choice for hair care. If you are concerned about premature greying, try massaging your scalp and hair with mustard oil every night before going to bed. Here is how to reduce premature greying with simple home remedies.
#8 It restricts hair loss: Mustard oil acts as a hair vitalizer and helps prevent hair loss. By restricting bacterial and fungal infections that could invade your scalp, mustard oil prevents hair loss and ensures hair growth. Here are seven home remedies for hair loss that you never knew.
#9 It stimulates hair growth: This vegetable oil is also high in beta-carotene. When massaged regularly on the scalp it converts into Vitamin A which helps in hair growth. Apart from this, the oil is also a good source of iron, fatty acids, calcium and magnesium, all that promotes hair growth.
Dental care with mustard oil
Not just your face and hair, mustard oil can also help you keep your teeth and oral cavity healthy. Here is how mustard oil helps towards better oral hygiene.
#10 It whitens teeth: After brushing your teeth with your usual toothpaste apply a coat of mustard oil mixed with few drops of lemon juice and a dash of salt. Leave it for five minutes and then rinse your mouth with water. Regular practise will make your teeth shine and also stronger.
#11 It keeps off infections: If you believe in practising oil pulling in the morning, which means swishing your mouth with oil before brushing your teeth you can opt for mustard oil. However, traditionally sesame oil is used for the said purpose. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal mustard oil helps to keep infection at bay and also keep your gut healthy when used for oil pulling. Read about oil pulling – should you try it?
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