Many foods in the world provide you so much protein as you need. But there isn’t everything to give you good and perfect protein form. You maybe have seen many foods that give you very much of protein.
However, these foods, you’ve ever seen maybe help you make muscles well. So this article will tell you one of every foods you ever know that gives you the best of protein and it’s not expensive. That is “egg”.
Most people know that egg can provide very perfect protein for human’s body. That’s real, one egg gives you 6 grams of protein. Moreover, it contains vitamin B, vitamin A and some minerals like zinc and potassium. However, you shouldn’t consume egg yolk because it’s rich in cholesterol that makes a high of blood pressure and cause of heart diseases.
If you like to eat egg yolk, it’s still ok, just take it only one a day and no more. Don’t worry egg yolk just provides you 2 grams of protein. So one of egg white can gives you 4 grams that very useful and great protein. Egg white is no harmful and it’s very safe. You can take a lot of egg white as you want a day without any damage.
However, if you can’t get enough protein from eggs. You can take other foods to add more protein volume. Also if you are allergy, you shouldn’t consume many eggs because its protein is harmful for this disease.
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