Friday, 6 February 2015

How jeera can help you get relief from cold

Jeera or cumin seeds adds a distinct flavour to your dishes and is commonly used in almost every Indian household. However, these little seeds are also packed with a host of other health benefits. They are an excellent home remedy to treat common cold and relive from sore throat.

What makes jeera such a good home remedy for treating colds is its combination of anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Additionally, it has nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron which strengthen your immunity, making you more capable of fighting infections. If you have cold, you can try the remedy mentioned here -
  1. Boil one tablespoon of jeera seeds in two cups of water.
  2. Add a small piece of crushed ginger to the boiling water.
  3. Once it boils, and all the nutrients of jeera and ginger is absorbed by the water, you should strain the preparation so that the jeera seeds are left out.
  4. Consume this water based preparation as often as you can for relief.
This simple-to-prepare solution will not only help relieve cold, but also help with your digestion, boost your metabolism and help flush out toxins from your body. 

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