Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The dangers of secret night eating

Many of us have probably felt an urge to raid the fridge late at night at some point in our lives. Yet, for some people this uncontrollable urge has been medically recognised, and scientists believe. 1.5 per cent of the population, around 900,000 people in Britain alone, suffer from a condition known as Night Eating Syndrome.

Dr Albert Stunkard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, first spotted the symptoms in 1955 and recognised the condition was a real clinical illness marked by changes in hormone levels.

This view is widely supported among professionals working in the field of eating disorders today, and it is a condition that is on the rise due to increasingly hectic lifestyles.

Most people who suffer from the syndrome have been identified as being prone to stress and poor sleeping patterns, often waking three to four times each night then snacking on high carbohydrate food such as biscuits, cakes or crisps.

Night eaters take in fewer calories than other people during the day and often skip breakfast. But between about 9pm and the next morning, they can consume half their total calorie intake.

In this country little is known about Night Eating Syndrome, and few people have been diagnosed as suffering from it.

But Dr Brian Larske, an eating disorder special-ist at St George's Hospital, London, believes there may be many more who are too embarrassed to come forward. 'This is a rare condition not at all well understood, and it is most probably a night-time variation of bulimia,' he says.

'Though it's recognised many people with bulimia do binge and vomit in the evenings when they have more free time and less chance of being disturbed, it is not strictly the case.

'What does seem to be the distinguishing factor is that Night Eating Syndrome appears to be the result of a chemical disturbance in the brain, that is a chemical trigger which leads people to wake and seek food.'

Dr Stunkard has said night eaters predominantly suffer from three separate problems - an eating disorder, a sleeping disorder and a mood disorder. Unfortunately, it is a vicious cycle.

As people become more anxious and depressed during the night, their eating increases. It is thought sufferers are helping themselves sleep by boosting levels of a brain nerve message chemical called serotonin.

Dr Stunkard believes sufferers are eating to 'medicate' themselves because they eat a lot of carbohydrates which are likely to increase the serotonin in the brain which stimulates sleep. The condition has not yet been seen in children, although it's recognised as being more common among women than men.

Dr Stunkard has said almost 10 per cent of the obese patients he sees at his eating disorders clinic in Philadelphia probably suffer from Night Eating Syndrome, although Dr Larske points out it's not necessarily the case that all people who suffer from the condition are obese, as some may binge and then vomit.

Dietician Lyndel Costain, who works with people suffering from eating disorders, says: 'In some cases, sufferers get into a cycle where they are bingeing or overeating at night after trying to restrict their intake throughout the day to compensate for food they ate the night before.

'Or it may be they eat too little during the day according to their self-imposed diet rules, and often get hungry in the evening. 'In other cases it may be that the evening provides opportunity for their common binge trigger to surface.'

Common triggers include being alone, drinking alcohol, having unstructured time and feeling anxious. Feeling fat like this is more likely at the end of the day than the start, especially if they have eaten something 'bad', says Costain.

'The key to helping people with eating disorders is to try to establish a regular, structured eating pattern, and establishing strategies to cope with binge triggers and negative thoughts that throw a person off course.'

Contact The Eating Disorders Association can be contacted on 01603 624310. It also runs a helpline Monday to Friday between 9am and 6.30pm on 01603 621414.

If you would like to speak to anyone about a sleep-related disorder, a helpline run by the Medical Advisory service is on 020 8994 9874 between 7pm and 9pm. If you would like help, information or advice about diet, sensible eating or how to find a local dietician, contact the British Dietetic Association at; - Daily Mail.

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