Friday, 19 February 2016

India's first bullet train project: List of fastest trains

                                                Japan will build India's first bullet train

NEW DELHI:  After Japan won the contract to build India's first bullet train that will link the cities of Mumbai and Ahmedabad, it has been reported that work on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train is slated to begin by late 2017 and will be completed in five years.

The Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch will be 508 kilometres long and will run at a speed of 300-350 kilometres per hour. It has also been said that it will also reduce the travel time to only three hours. Bandra-Kurla complex has been chosen for the construction of the railway station.

Now that India too will have a bullet train, let's take this opportunity to know of some of the fastest trains in the world:

Maglev bullet train, Japan
The fastest passenger train in the world can run at a speed of 603 kilometres per hour. It has a previous record of running at 581 kilometres per hour.

TR-09, Germany
TR-09 has been designed for 500 kilometres per hour voyaging speed but for the safety reasons, the train is run at 450 kilometres per hour.

Shanghai Maglev, China
Shanghai Maglev has a maximum operational speed of 430 kilometres per hour and an average speed of 251 kilometres per hour.

Harmony CRH380A, China
This train is designed to operate at the speed of 380 kilometres per hour while in operation and it was tested to run at 480 kilometres per hour.

TGV Reseau, France
TGV Reseau can run up to 380 kilometres per hour but the approved top speed of this train is 320 kilometres per hour.

Siemens Velaro E/AVS 103, Spain
Although the train usually runs at a speed of 350 kilometres per hour, during its test trip, it achieved a whopping speed of about 400 kilometres per hour.

Talgo 350 (T350), Spain
Initially named RENFE AVE Class 10, the Taglo 350 achieved a speed of 365 kilometres per hour during its trial. However, it normally runs at a speed of 350 kilometres per hour.

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