Monday, 29 September 2014

World Heart Day - WHO Alerts Over High Salt Intake

September 29 is World Heart Day 2014:

Reduce daily salt intake to reduction than 5 grams per adult, recommends WHO

Over a past few decades, a occurrence of heart illness has increasing tremendously and it seems to have surpassed all a bounds of wild risk factors that progressing were compared with increasing risk of heart disease. Today, controllable risk factors like diet, earthy loitering and highlight mostly establish a risk of heart disease. One such diet-related risk cause that is compared with heart illness is salt intake. 

Indeed, the World Health Organisation (WHO), in a statement, yesterday, ahead of the WHD, said people around the world are consuming more energy-dense foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats, sugars, and salt. Salt is the primary source of sodium and increased consumption of sodium is associated with hypertension and increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to a study in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), reducing salt intake provides clear benefits for the heart and kidney health of patients with chronic kidney disease. The findings point to the power of salt restriction in potentially prolonging kidney disease patients' lives.

"An estimated 2.5 million deaths could be prevented each year if global salt consumption were reduced to the recommended level."

The researchers found that on average, low salt intake reduced excess extracellular fluid volume by one liter, lowered blood pressure by 10 /4 mm Hg, and halved protein excretion in the urine, without causing significant side effects.

Salt consumption at home can be reduced by: not adding salt during the preparation of food; not having a salt shaker on the table; limiting the consumption of salty snacks; and choosing products with lower sodium content.

With many countries now seeing a rapid rise in obesity among infants and children, WHO in May 2014 set up a commission on childhood obesity. The Commission will draw up a report for 2015 specifying which approaches and actions are likely to be most effective in different contexts around the world.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Spice in curry could help brain heal itself:


A spice commonly used in curries could help the brain heal itself, new research has suggested.

Turmeric is the spice commonly found in curry — and, according to new research published in Stem Cell Research and Therapy, it may boost your brain proliferation or its power to repair itself, Medical Daily reports.

Aromatic-turmerone is a compound found within turmeric, and it’s this compound researchers from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Julich, Germany, injected directly into the neutral stem cells located in a rat’s brain. They scanned the rat’s brain afterward, noticing certain parts of the brain were more active after the infusion. And when it was all said and done, these infusions increased the brain’s self-repair and recovery by 80 percent.

In a separate part of the trial, researchers bathed rodent neural stem cells (NSCs) in different concentrations of aromatic-tumerone extract. NSCs have the ability to transform into any type of brain cell and scientists suggest they could have a role in repair after damage or disease.

Dr Laura Phipps at the charity, Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "It is not clear whether the results of this research would translate to people, or whether the ability to generate new brain cells in this way would benefit people with Alzheimer's disease.

"It's not clear whether the results of this research would translate to people, or whether the ability to generate new brain cells in this way would benefit people with Alzheimer's disease. 

"We'd need to see further studies to fully understand this compound's effects in the context of a complex disease like Alzheimer's, and until then people shouldn't take this as a sign to stock up on supplies of turmeric for the spice rack."

Today, an upward of thousands of Americans suffer from these diseases. If diseases go unchecked 30 years from now, Harvard added, the number of Americans who suffer will jump to 12 million. Finding effective cures for these patients' brain and spince “is a goal of increasing urgency.”

Outside of this study, turmeric is considered the “spice for life.” Another one of its active ingredients is curcumin, and curcumin is considered an anti-inflammatory. This ingredient has also been associated with the ability to prevent diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Health Benefits Of Indian Kitchen Spices

India is known as 'the home of spices'. From the ancient times India has been a hub of spice cultivation, processing and export. Spices are well-known as appetisers and are considered essential in the culinary art all over the world.

Spices not only just excite your taste buds but are composed of an impressive list of phyto-nutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for our wellness. 

Imagine your food without any spices. Unimaginable, is it? We can easily put it this way; wherever you find an Indian you will find spices. No wonder, when food giants from across the world come to India, they have to add an Indian twist to their menu. Find the uses and benefits of spices used in India and other countries. Make better use of spices by discovering the many health benefits provided by the spices in addition to the flavour and taste. 

Health benefits and uses of India kitchen spices:

Asafoetida (Heeng) It is used for seasoning food especially snacks and has medicinal uses. A good remedy for whooping cough and stomach ache caused due to gas. It is strong in taste with its pungent flavour.  It is useful in the treatment of respiratory disorders like cough, asthma and bronchitis. Asafoetida is considered useful in the treatment of health problems concerning women such as unusually painful and excessive menstruation.

Bay leaf (Tez Patta) It is used in cooking to add a specific flavour to food. It also has some medicinal properties.  Bay leaf oil possesses antifungal,  anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, carmiative, diaphoretic, diuretic and astringent properties. Bay leaf helps in the treatment of diabetes, migraine, gastric ulcers, abdominal pain, colic pain, bacterial and fungal infection and high blood pressure.  Tej patta is used to treat infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts and bay leaf juice promote menstruation.

Cardamom (Elaichi) It is used in most of the Indian and other sweet dishes to give a good flavour and smell. Cardamom is the "queen of spices"; it is one of the most valued spices in the world. 
Cardamom has a strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic fragrance. Cardamom is used chiefly in medicines to relieve flatulence and for strengthening digestion activities. Ground cardamom seed mixed with ginger (adrak), cloves (laung) and coriander (dhania), is an effective remedy for indigestion. A tea made from cardamom is valuable in headache caused by indigestion. This can also be used as a remedy in the treatment of depression. Green cardamom is broadly used to treat infections in teeth and gums, to prevent and treat throat troubles, and congestion of the lungs. Daily gargling with an infusion of cardamom and cinnamon (dalchini) cures pharyngitis, sore-throat and also protects one from flu.

Carom (Ajwain)  Ajwain is mucous-clearing and beneficial in treating respiratory diseases. A mix of the seed and buttermilk is effective for relieving difficult expectoration caused by dry phlegm. A hot fomentation with the seeds is a popular household remedy for asthma. Ajwain is good for muscular pains the seeds should be fried in coconut oil and should be massaged as a liniment in treating this condition. Ajwain shouldn't be used in excess as it can cause dryness of fluid and damage your eyes.

Chillies (Mirch) It is a main ingredient used for adding hot flavour to the food. The antioxidants present in chilli help to cope with cholesterol. It also helps burning calories. Since ancient times, chillies have been used by healers to cure a variety of ailments. They have been used externally to relieve pain and internally to cure anything from yellow fever to the common cold. Their high vitamin C content can also substantially increase the absorption of non-heme iron from other ingredients in a meal, such as beans and grains.

Cinnamon (Dalchini) It is used for mainly for seasoning food and preparing masalas It has medicinal uses too. It supports natural production of insulin and reduces blood cholesterol.  Cinnamon is used for stimulating gastric and digestive juices and carminative. It is an antiseptic that helps kill bacteria which cause tooth decay and gum disease, and that is why most of the tooth pastes are cinnamon flavoured. It also kills many fungi and viruses that cause diseases. It helps calm the stomach, clears up urinary tract infections. In diabetic patients, it helps metabolise sugar in a better way using less insulin.

Clove (Laung) It is used as a cooking ingredient mainly for seasoning or preparing Masalas. Clove oil is beneficial for coping with tooth ache and sore gums. It is also beneficial remedy for chest pains, fever, digestive problems, cough, cold and   They are used in various forms of gastric-irritability and dyspepsia. Licking the powder of fried cloves mixed with honey is effective in controlling vomiting. Chewing a clove with a crystal of common salt eases expectoration (the process of coughing up and spitting out) relieves the irritation in the throat and stops cough in the pharyngitis -- that is, inflammation of the pharynx. Clove is an effective remedy for asthma. A teaspoon of decoction prepared by boiling six cloves in 30 ml of water can be taken with honey thrice daily as an expectorant. It also helps to decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties.

Coriander (Dhaniya) leaves/seeds:  Coriander leaves as well as coriander seeds are used in cooking. It also has some medicinal uses. It can be used externally on aching joints and rheumatism. It is also good for coping with soar throat, allergies, digestion problems, hay fever etc.  Coriander juice is highly beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A, B1, B2, C and iron. One or two teaspoons of coriander juice, added to fresh buttermilk, is highly beneficial in treating digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in typhoid fever. Regular drinking of coriander water helps lower blood cholesterol as it is a good diuretic and stimulates the kidney. It can be prepared by boiling dry seeds of coriander and straining the decoction after cooling.

Cumin Seeds (Zeera) It is used for cooking and it also possesses medicinal properties. Zeera, the humble spice is very popular in most Indian kitchens. Roasted jeera powder can add flavor to a dish. Antiseptic properties of cumin can help fight flu by boosting your immune system. A cup of water boiled with cumin seeds, ginger, basil leaves and honey, can give great relief. Cumin helps control stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhoea, nausea and morning sickness. Cumin seeds also contain a good amount of iron. It's a good idea to include zeera in everyday preparations like parathas, curries, cookies, soups, rice and lentil preparations.

Curry leaves(Curry Patta) It is used as a main ingredient for seasoning in some countries. It has many medicinal uses.These leaves are beneficial for reducing blood sugar, stops diarrhea, gastrointestinal protection, antioxidant properties, anti-diabetic properties, fights cancer, lowers cholesterol levels, protects against pathogen attack, protects the liver, skin care and good for hair growth.  Each part of the plant provides some benefit or the other. The dried leaves are extensively used in herbal medicines.

Fenugreek (Methi) It is mainly used as a green leafy vegetable and seeds are used for seasoning and preparing Masalas. It also has medicinal uses. Fenugreek seed tea or sweet fudge is good for increasing breast milk. It also helpful for treating diabetes and lowering cholesterol

Garlic (Lassan) It is used for cooking as well as for the medicinal purpose. It is useful for coping with cough and cold. It also has antibiotic properties and Destroys cancer cells and may disrupt the metabolism of tumor cells, says Karen Collins, RD, nutrition advisor to the American Institute for Cancer Research. "Studies suggest that one or two cloves weekly provide cancer-protective benefits."

Ginger (Adrak) It is used for giving a specific flavour to food and has many medicinal uses. Helps to avoid digestive problems. It is beneficial for coping with cough, cold, lowering cholesterol, boost metabolism and kill cancer cells. Easily added to vegetable dishes, fish preparations and salads, ginger enhances the flavour in cooking. Chew on fresh parsley if the odour bothers you.

Mustard (Rye) It is used for seasoning as well as green leafy vegetable. The use of mustard oil is extensive in India but it is banned in some countries. Mustard oil is good for body massage and even for getting good hair. It consists of omega-3 fatty acids. It is an excellent source of iron, zinc, manganese, calcium, protein etc.

Nutmeg (Jaiphal) It is used in powdered form for garnishing and also for masala preparation. It is used in soaps, perfumes and shampoos. It can also be used for medicinal purpose. It is beneficial for the treatments of asthma, heart disorder, bad breath, digestive upsets, nausea and gas and headache

Black Pepper (Kaali Mirch) It is extensively used in cooking, especially for garnishing. It is has many medicinal uses too. It helps coping with cold, cough, infections etc. It helps to deal with muscle pains and digestive problems.  Alternatively, a quarter teaspoon of pepper powder mixed in thin buttermilk can be taken during indigestion or heaviness in the stomach. For better results, an equal part of cumin (jeera) powder may also be added to the buttermilk. Three peppers sucked with a pinch of cumin (jeera) seeds and a crystal of common salt provides relief from cough.

Saffron (Zaffran/Kesar) It is used for cooking as well as in beauty products. It is mainly used in sweet dishes. It has good medicinal properties. It helps to cope with skin diseases. It is a good remedy for cough, cold and asthma.

Star anise (Chakra Phool) It is used in cooking and for medicinal purpose Star anise oil is beneficial for rheumatism. It is helpful for digestion and avoiding bad breath.  You can get relief from any kind of gastrointestinal or digestive problems like, indigestion, bloating and gas by using Star anise seed. It is also used as a home remedy for treating colic in infants. Star anise are known to improve memory, stimulate the pancreas, provide relief in irritable bowel syndrome and headaches.

Turmeric (Haldi) It is used in cooking and skin care products. It has wide range medicinal uses. It helps deal with skin problems. Turmeric powder can be used for healing cuts and wounds. It also makes coping with diabetes easier.  Studies show that it may help prevent Alzheimer's disease and joint inflammation. Turmeric also helps in minimizing liver damages caused by taking excessive alcohol consumption or regular use of pain-killers. And no wonder why grandmothers across the country advise one to have a warm glass of milk with turmeric in case of cold and cough.

Since ages Indian spices are used and imported from India. Many of these spices like cardamom, clove, nutmeg, ginger etc., are inseparable ingredients of the Indian 'Masala Chai'. This shows that spices form the basis of not only food in India but also for making a good cup of tea. 

These spices provide innumerable benefits they should be used sparingly. The excessive use of spices in food can cause harm to the health. Try to make specific use of these spices. This will help you to make optimal use of the resources provided by nature. Strike the right balance and add some spice to your life.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

5 Simple Ways You Can Cut Your Breast Cancer

Breast cancer isn't preventable, but there are small steps you can take to reduce your risk. Start working these habits into your life. Around one in eight women will develop breast ­cancer at some point in their lifetime.

But there is no single cause, explains Lester Barr, breast cancer surgeon and chairman of Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention “Breast cancer is caused by the interplay of your genes, the environment you live in and lifestyle factors,” Lester says.

A World Cancer Research Fund report claims as many as 20,000 British women could avoid breast cancer each year if they led a healthier lifestyle.

Here’s our guide on what steps you can take to help lower your risk.

1. Drink less booze

“Regularly drinking ­alcohol increases your risk of developing breast cancer and the more drinks you have each day, the greater your risk will be,” says Eluned.

Try simple measures to reduce how much you drink, such as having one glass instead of two, having alcohol-free nights and drinking from smaller wine glasses to reduce your units without you noticing.

2. Exercise at least three times a week (more often is even better)

When you do exercise, work to keep your heart rate above its baseline level for a minimum of 20 continuous minutes. Long walks are nice too, but it's the more vigorous exercise (expect to sweat!) that really helps your heart and cuts your cancer risk. Try this 40-minute walking workout.

3. Maintain your body weight, or lose weight if you're overweight

Research shows that being overweight or obese (especially if you're past menopause) increases your risk, especially if you put on the weight as an adult. And a study released in March 2008 by researchers at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston showed that obese and overweight women also had lower breast cancer survival rates and a greater chance of more aggressive disease than average-weight or underweight women.

4. Do a monthly breast self-exam

Self-exams are no longer officially recommended—but do them anyway.  Be sure to get a breast exam from your doctor and have your technique reviewed regularly. You might catch a lump before a mammogram does, and it's a good idea to follow the changes in your body.

5. The radiation you get from a mammogram is minimal.

Catching a tumor early boosts the chance of survival significantly.The five-year survival rate can be as high as 98 percent for the earliest-stage localized disease, but hovers around 27 percent for the distant-stage, or metastatic, disease.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Mars spacecraft test-fired successfully, to enter red planet’s orbit on Wednesday

Ten months and 442 million miles outbound from Earth, NASA's MAVEN spacecraft fired its braking rockets Sunday to slip into orbit around the red planet, kicking off a $671 million mission to find out how much of the martian atmosphere leaked away in the distant past in an extreme case of climate change.

The liquid apogee motor (LAM) engine has been idle for about 300 days since the spacecraft left the Earth's orbit on a Martian trajectory on December 1, 2013.

The short-duration test was to ensure that the engine is in good shape for the 24-minute manoeuvre on Wednesday.

"What a night! You get one shot at Mars orbit insertion, and MAVEN nailed it tonight," said NASA project manager David Mitchell. "We've got a really happy crew in the building here, across the country and literally around the world."

MOM executed with precision a set of commands sent from mission control in Bangalore last week and fired the 440N engine for close to four seconds.

This test took the spacecraft away from its trajectory by more than 100km, but a different set of commands have been fed into the system to bring it back to the ideal Martian orbital insertion.

Scientists believe the Martian atmosphere holds clues as to how Earth's neighbor went from being warm and wet billions of years ago to cold and dry. That early moist world may have harbored microbial life, a tantalizing question yet to be answered.

Flight controllers will spend the next six weeks checking out MAVEN's instruments, deploying booms and antennas and fine-tuning its orbit, firing the spacecraft's thrusters five more times to lower the high point to around 3,860 miles and the low point to less than 100 miles.

The spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral this past November, making it the 10th U.S. mission sent to orbit the red planet. Three earlier ones failed, and until the official word came of success late Sunday night, the entire team was on edge.

"I don't have any fingernails any more, but we've made it," said Colleen Hartman, deputy director for science at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "It's incredible."

"We are obviously relieved," said an Isro scientist (Indian Space Research Organisation.) "Now we know that the engine is fit for Wednesday's exercise." There were apprehensions of the long duration of idling would have affected some valves because of the corrosive fuel used. If the main engine doesn't fire on Wednesday, an alternative plan is to fire the eight thrusters of the spacecraft to capture the Martian orbit.

Maven's chief investigator, Bruce Jakosky of the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics in Boulder, hopes to learn where all the water on Mars went, along with the carbon dioxide that once comprised an atmosphere thick enough to hold moist clouds.

The gases may have been stripped away by the sun early in Mars' existence, escaping into the upper atmosphere and out into space. Maven's observations should be able to extrapolate back in time, Jakosky said.

If everything goes fine, Isro aims to put the spacecraft in an orbit with a periapsis (closest point to Mars) of 423km and an apoapsis (farthest point) of 80,000km. Of the 51 Mars mission so far by various countries, only 21 have been successful.

All these robotic scouts are paving the way for the human explorers that NASA hopes to send in the 2030s.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

NASA Spacecraft Maven Set To Enter Mars Orbit Tonight

WASHINGTON: Nasa's MAVEN spacecraft is set to enter the Mars orbit on Sunday night, two days before India's first interplanetary spacecraft Mangalyaan is due to slip into the martian orbit on Tuesday.

NASA's MAVEN craft will live up to its formal name -- the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution craft -- by helping scientists figure out how ancient Mars changed so dramatically into the planet we know today.

It will be the first mission devoted to studying the upper Martian atmosphere as a key to understanding the history of Mars' climate, water and habitability.

The mission's combination of detailed measurements at specific points in Mars' atmosphere and imaging provides a powerful tool for understanding the properties of the Red Planet's upper atmosphere.

Jakosky said MAVEN will help unravel that mystery by using its scientific instruments to measure the composition and escape of gases in the Martian atmosphere.

MAVEN will study the top of the atmosphere to determine the extent to which losing gas to space might have been the driving mechanism behind climate change, Jakosky said.

The engines will ignite and burn for 33 minutes to slow the craft, allowing it to be pulled into Mars' elliptical orbit within a period of 35 hours.

Following orbit insertion, MAVEN will begin a six-week commissioning phase that includes manoeuvreing the spacecraft into its final orbit and testing its instruments and science mapping commands.

Thereafter, MAVEN will begin its one-Earth-year primary mission to take measurements of the composition, structure and escape of gases in Mars' upper atmosphere and its interaction with the sun and solar wind.

India's first mission to the Red Planet, the Mars Orbiter Mission, is set to arrive a few days after MAVEN does. The director of NASA's Planetary Science Division, Jim Green, says the United States and India are interested in cooperating as their crafts gather data about the planet.

"The MAVEN science mission focuses on answering questions about where did the water that was present on early Mars go, about where did the carbon dioxide go," said Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN principal investigator from the University of Colorado' Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.

MAVEN was launched Nov 18, 2013, from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying three instrument packages.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Exercise boosts tumor-fighting ability of chemotherapy in cancer patients, researchers say

Exercise boosts tumor-fighting ability of chemotherapy in cancer patients, researchers say While exercise has been found to benefit cancer patients both physically and psychologically, researchers say a new study proves it can also boost the effect chemotherapy has on a patient.

Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy may benefit from regular exercise, says a new study. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania say that exercise can boost the tumor fighting abilities of chemotherapy. 

 In a study by a team at the University of Pennsylvania, researchers using a mouse model of melanoma found that combining exercise with chemotherapy shrunk tumors more than chemotherapy alone.

The researchers plan to further investigate why exercise boosts the effect of chemotherapy. 

Joseph Libonati, an associate professor in the School of Nursing and director of the Laboratory of Innovative and Translational Nursing Research, senior author on the study, and colleagues were particularly interested in testing whether exercise could protect against the negative cardiac-related side effects of the common cancer drug doxorubicin.

Though effective at treating a variety of types of cancer, doxorubicin has is known to damage heart cells, which could lead to heart failure in the long-term. "The immediate concern for these patients is, of course, the cancer, and they'll do whatever it takes to get rid of it," Libonati said.

Previous studies had shown that an exercise regime prior to receiving chemotherapy could protect heart cells from the toxic effects of doxorubicin, but few had looked to see whether an exercise regimen during chemotherapy could be beneficial.

Further studies will investigate exactly how exercise enhances the effect of doxorubicin, but the team believes it could be in part because exercise increases blood flow to the tumour, bringing with it more of the drug in the bloodstream.

If exercise seems to work well with chemotherapy, doctors would be able to lower the dose of the drug used in chemo treatments. By reducing the dosage, patients would be able to greatly reduce side effects. 

Exercise has been recommended for cancer patients for some time. Not only does it help physical health, but exercise can also boost mental health. 

The researchers plan to further investigate why exercise boosts the effect of chemotherapy. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Make the Effort to Prevent Heart Disease with Life's Simple 7

More than one in three adults has some form of cardiovascular disease. The good news is 80 percent of heart disease and stroke can be prevented. So how do you protect yourself ?

Protect yourself from heart disease, the nation’s No. 1 killer, with Life’s Simple 7® — easy-to-embrace ways to significantly lower your risk of heart disease and improve your health. How simple is it?

According to the WHO, heart disease will be the largest cause of death in India by 2020. Radical changes in lifestyle including eating habits and increase in physical activity is the need of the hour. World Heart Day was created in 2000 to make people aware globally that heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of deaths worldwide.

Just take a look  to prevent heart disease

1. Get regular medical check-ups done to make sure you are not suffering from asymptomatic high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile or pre-diabetic condition. . It’s also important to limit trans fats, too. For some people, diet and lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough. Your doctor may prescribe cholesterol-lowering medication to keep your cholesterol levels in check. If you don’t know your cholesterol levels, talk to your doctor about scheduling a cholesterol screening
2. Make a conscious effort to add fibre to your diet. Eat green leafy vegetables, salads, fruits, and cereals like oats. Five servings of fruits and vegetables per day play a preventive role.

3. Keep a check on your weight and fat percentage. Maintaining a healthy weight and controlled fat percentage goes a long way in keeping heart diseases at bay.  Extra weight can do serious damage to your heart. Too much fat, especially around the belly, increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. So give your heart a break by dropping the extra pounds — and keeping them off. 

4. One in three Americans has high blood pressure — yet one out of every five doesn’t even know they have it. That’s because high blood pressure, “the silent killer,” has no symptoms. Keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range starts with eating a heart-healthy diet. Other important factors are exercising regularly; not smoking; maintaining a healthy weight; limiting salt and alcohol; and taking medication prescribed by your doctor. 

5. We get enough of PUFA from pulses and vegetables, try to use an MUFA-rich oil (to maintain a heart healthy fatty acid ratio) for cooking. Olive oil, rice bran oil and groundnut oil are best choices.

6. Diabetes can quadruple your risk of heart disease or stroke, so keeping blood sugar levels under control is crucial to preventing medical problems involving the heart and kidneys. If left untreated, diabetes can also cause blindness and nerve disease, among other health complications. You can minimize the impact of diabetes on your body — and even prevent or delay the onset of diabetes — by eating right, controlling your weight, exercising and taking medication prescribed your doctor. In some cases, lifestyle changes result in less need for medication.

7. It’s time to kick the habit of smoking. With one in five deaths caused by smoking, going smoke-free can help prevent not only heart disease and stroke, but also cancer and chronic lung disease. The payoff is almost immediate. Quit smoking and you’ll have the same risk level for developing heart disease as non-smokers within only a few years.

Image source: Getty images

Healthy people, too, carry different types of viruses on their body

Washington, September 18 2014:  The new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St.Louis  which is the first comprehensive analysis to describe the diversity of viruses in healthy people, reported that healthy individuals carry about five types of viruses on their bodies.

In 102 healthy young adults aged 18 to 40, the researchers sampled up to five body habitats, nose, skin, mouth, stool and vagina and detected at least one type of virus in 92 percent of participants and found that some individuals harbored about 10 to 15 virus.  Many of these microbes, as they are known, work to keep us healthy.

Lead author Kristine M. Wylie said that they were impressed by the number of viruses they found on sampling up to five body sites in each person and would expect to see many more viruses if they had sampled the entire body.

Although it is not yet known whether this normal viral flora has a positive or negative impact on overall health, it is speculated that, in some cases, the viruses may help in maintaining the immune system primed to respond to dangerous pathogens while in others, lingering viruses increase the risk of disease.

Not surprisingly, the vagina was dominated by papillomaviruses, with 38 percent of female subjects carrying such strains and some of the women harbored certain high-risk strains that increase the risk of cervical cancer.

These strains were more common in women with communities of vaginal bacteria that had lower levels of Lactobacillus and an increase in bacteria such as Gardnerella, which is associated with bacterial vaginosis.

Co-author Gregory Storch added that it is very important to know what viruses are present in a person without causing a problem and what viruses could be responsible for serious illnesses that need medical attention.

The study is published online in BioMed Central Biology. (ANI)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

7 symptoms of congenital heart disease


Congenital heart disease, commonly known as heart disease in children, is a general term that is used to describe birth defects that affect the normal functioning of the heart. Although this type of heart disease is regarded as one of the most common types of congenital (present from birth) defects, it shows very few signs or symptoms. Dr Amar Singhal, Head of Department, Cardiology at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Delhi says, ‘Congenital heart disease causes structural or functional malfunctioning of the heart that is caused during its formation in the fetal stage. While, in some cases, these heart defects are detected right after birth, in most cases these warning signs go unnoticed till the early stages of childhood.’ So, to help you recognise the symptoms in your child, that you should look out for –
  • Cyanosis – It causes a bluish or purplish appearance of the skin, especially the mouth, ears, fingernails and lips.
  • Recurrent lung infections – Due to improper functioning of the heart, these kids are at an increased risk of lung infections.
  • Respiratory problems – This usually includes difficulty in breathing or increased respiratory rate, rapid breathing and grunting sound while breathing.  
  • Excessive fatigue or tiredness – Children easily get tired during exercise or any physical activity and in some cases become unconscious.
  • Poor feeding – Some kids are not able to suckle (or accept feed), which ultimately leads to poor weight gain.
  • Excessive sweating – Children with heart disease sweat a lot during feeding and some might also experience shortness of breath.
  • Swelling of legs, abdomen or eyes – This is a common symptom that is seen in children during the first few months of life or early childhood and usually causes no pain. 

Finally, it is essential that if you do notice any of these symptoms in your infant, visit a doctor immediately. Remember, early detection and treatment goes a long way in helping your child lead a healthy life. 


World Heart Day 2014: Reiki for heart disease


‘My heart was racing, the pain was awful and I had pins and needles in my lower jaw and down both arms. I sat down on the sofa hoping the pain would stop, but it didn’t. I knew something was very wrong’. Debbie Siddons was taken to the hospital. Doctors didn’t take long to tell her she’d suffered a heart attack. She stayed in a hospital for a week and was then sent home. The experience had shaken her to the core. ‘I was frightened to do anything. I was nervous about going up the stairs, and I was too scared to pick up my 18-month-old daughter in case I had another heart attack,’ she remembers.

Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, includes heart and blood vessel diseases such as heart attack, ischemic stroke, haemorrhagic stroke caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, and heart valve problems.

Doctors believe that your cardiovascular disease is caused mainly because of damage to your heart and blood vessels by atherosclerosis, which is a term for plaque buildup in your arteries. The plaque stiffens the artery walls and inhibits blood flow to your organs and tissues.

And what causes atherosclerosis? It is your lifestyle choices. Unhealthy diet, lack of regular exercise, smoking, drug abuse, and very importantly stress are the main factors that contribute to the plaque buildup and thus your heart disease.

 Why researchers think Reiki is effective as complementary therapy for heart disease

Your heart disease can be treated with medication and /or surgery. But how would you handle the fear of disease recurrence, similar to the one Debbie faced? How to deal with the pain associated with the disease or the disease treatment? How to handle the anxiety and depression that becomes part of the disease?

According to Harvard Medical School, biofield therapies such as Reiki and healing touch can relax heart patients since these treatments have shown positive results in patients hospitalized for heart problems.  For example, a study found that people who underwent Reiki sessions before cardiac catheterization felt more confident, relaxed and cooperative.

Another study from American College of Cardiology found that patients who received Reiki therapy within 72 hours after suffering a heart attack were more happy, relaxed, and calm, and this energy therapy significantly reduced negative states such as stress, anger, sadness, frustration, worry, fright, and anxiety.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique based on the principle that our body has a subtle energy system called life force energy which needs to flow freely in and around one’s body to maintain health. The one important factor that weakens the flow of life energy is stress. Reiki heals by releasing stress and tension and creating a deep sense of relaxation that promotes health.

The technique involves balancing the flow of energy by releasing blockages. This is done by transmitting the spiritually guided life force energy through the hands into the human energy system. Intention is the key here. You bring in Reiki energy by stating your intention to channel a healing either through you (Reiki for self) or through the person you are treating.

Reiki hand positions for heart disease

1. Cup the hands gently over your ears. Hold the position for a couple of minutes. Pull away slightly and then repeat the process.

Function: Reduces high blood pressure; improves balance and mental clarity.

2. Cup your hands gently on each side of the neck, over the throat. Hold the position for a couple of minutes. Release.

Function: Helpful in correcting metabolic disorders and heart palpitations.

3. Gently place your hands (palms facing each other) on the area where your thymus gland is, in the upper chest area. This is the upper heart area. The thymus gland situated there is the gland which is most affected by stress, so much so, its function reduces by 50 percent under stress.

Function: Reduces stress; relaxes the body.

4. If you are treating a patient, gently place your left hand on the upper chest area and form a ‘T’ with your right hand over the heart area. The position is good for the heart and the thymus gland, and also the respiratory system.

Function: Reduces stress; produces deep relaxation and calmness.

Although these are the specific hand positions for treating heart disease, for effective Reiki healing you need to do all of the hand positions, that is, cover all the chakras, and not just the ones mentioned here.

For example, after the heart area, move your hands down to the solar plexus region, then to the stomach, and then to the hips and the pubic bone.

Do the Reiki for one hour every day. Remember to keep it simple.


Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet

Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

It is important to understand that none of these medications stops the disease itself.

For information about managing medicines for people with Alzheimer's disease, read the tip sheet Managing Medicines (PDF, 625K).

Volunteers—people with Alzheimer's or mild cognitive impairment and healthy individuals—are needed to participate in Alzheimer's clinical research. Learn about participating in clinical trials.

Treatment for Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s

Medications called cholinesterase inhibitors are prescribed for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. These drugs may help delay or prevent symptoms from becoming worse for a limited time and may help control some behavioral symptoms. The medications include: Razadyne® (galantamine), Exelon® (rivastigmine), and Aricept® (donepezil). Another drug, Cognex® (tacrine), was the first approved cholinesterase inhibitor but is no longer available due to safety concerns.

Scientists do not yet fully understand how cholinesterase inhibitors work to treat Alzheimer’s disease, but research indicates that they prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical believed to be important for memory and thinking. As Alzheimer’s progresses, the brain produces less and less acetylcholine; therefore, cholinesterase inhibitors may eventually lose their effect.

No published study directly compares these drugs. Because they work in a similar way, switching from one of these drugs to another probably will not produce significantly different results. However, an Alzheimer’s patient may respond better to one drug than another.

Treatment for Moderate to Severe Alzheimer’s

A medication known as Namenda® (memantine), an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, is prescribed to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. This drug’s main effect is to delay progression of some of the symptoms of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s. It may allow patients to maintain certain daily functions a little longer than they would without the medication. For example, Namenda® may help a patient in the later stages of the disease maintain his or her ability to use the bathroom independently for several more months, a benefit for both patients and caregivers.

Namenda® is believed to work by regulating glutamate, an important brain chemical. When produced in excessive amounts, glutamate may lead to brain cell death. Because NMDA antagonists work very differently from cholinesterase inhibitors, the two types of drugs can be prescribed in combination.

The FDA has also approved Aricept® for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease.

Dosage and Side Effects

Doctors usually start patients at low drug doses and gradually increase the dosage based on how well a patient tolerates the drug. There is some evidence that certain patients may benefit from higher doses of the cholinesterase inhibitors. However, the higher the dose, the more likely are side effects. The recommended effective dosages of drugs prescribed to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and the drugs’ possible side effects are summarized in the table below.

Patients should be monitored when a drug is started. Report any unusual symptoms to the prescribing doctor right away. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions when taking any medication, including vitamins and herbal supplements. Also, let the doctor know before adding or changing any medications.

Testing New Alzheimer’s Drugs
Clinical trials are the best way to find out if promising new treatments are safe and effective in humans. Volunteer participants are needed for many Alzheimer’s trials conducted around the United States. To learn more, talk with your doctor or visit the ADEAR Center’s listing of clinical trials. More information is available at


Health Benefits of Pomegranate


Pomegranate is a thick skinned super seedy fruit, with a brilliant red hue which is now touted as a wonder fruit by scientific researchers. The name pomegranate derives from the French word “pomegranate” or seeded apple. They are believed to have originated in Iran and brought to Egypt in 1600 BC, where it was not only revered as an important food source but was also widely used for its medicinal value. It was held in high esteem even during those times, as is evident by their depiction in Egyptian paintings and tombs. Inspired by the abundance of jewel toned seeds within the bright red rind, pomegranate is considered to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity in some cultures.

Drinking pomegranate juice benefits our health and skin in a myriad of ways. It is one of the few fruits whose juice is as beneficial as the fruit itself. This is because the peel contains the maximum amount of antioxidants which are released in abundance when the fruit is squeezed while juicing. It is currently ranked alongside blue berries and green tea for its nutritional benefits.

Some people might find it a bit cumbersome to deal with the little seeds, which is why, extracting its juice is the best way to utilize the benefits of pomegranate juice. Drinking it,allows for a quick and easy assimilation of all the nutrients found in the bloodstream by the body. In comparison to other fruits, pomegranates contain the maximum amount of anti-oxidants. It contains approximately 3 times more antioxidants than green tea and oranges.

A single glass of pomegranate juice can provide you with 40 % of the daily requirement of folic acid and vitamins A, C, and E. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, being completely unprocessed, triumphs over packaged juice any day, as it retains the maximum number of vitamins.. Make sure that the juice is unsweetened as sugar being inflammatory can counteract some of the health benefits of this fruit.

Nutritional value of pomegranate:

Pomegranate is a great source of ellagic acid, and antioxidant and punicic acid, an omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid which is highly beneficial for cell regeneration and proliferation. The juice of this fruit is an exceptional source of vitamin A, C and E and minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, folic acid, niacin, thiamin, folates and riboflavin.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate has been used for medicinal purposes in the middle and Far East regions for over thousands of years. It was used as a tonic to heal ailments like ulcers and diarrhea. The juice of pomegranate contains antioxidants like anthocyanin and ellagic acid, compounds like gallic acids, and flavonoids like quercetin which offer protection from diabetes, heart diseases, osteoarthritis and several kinds of cancer.

1. Heart benefits:

Pomegranate juice can have a great impact on health, particularly on the health of the heart, by keeping the arteries flexible and decreasing the inflammation in the lining of the blood vessels. It is known to reduce atherosclerosis, which is one of the leading causes of heart disease. It lowers the risk of blockage in the arteries which can cause a restriction in the flow of blood to the heart and brain. In other words it has an anti-atherogenic effect on the heart. It lowers the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol that is retained in the body and increases the amount of good cholesterol or HDL.

2. Maintains blood sugar levels:

Although pomegranate juice contains fructose, it does not elevate the blood sugar level as other fruit juices do. Studies have shown that there was no significant increase in the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who drank this juice daily for a period of 2 weeks.

3. Maintains blood pressure:

Pomegranates are also known to reduce high blood pressure. The juice of this fruit reduces lesions and the inflammation of blood vessels in heart patients. It is a natural aspirin, which keeps the blood from coagulating and forming blood clots. It even acts as a blood thinner allowing for an unrestricted flow of blood through the body.

4. Protection from cancer:

Pomegranate juice eliminates free radicals from the body and inhibits the growth and development of cancer and other diseases. Its high contents of anti- oxidants stimulate the white blood cells to neutralize toxins in the body thereby promoting a strong and healthy immune system. Pomegranate is believed to induce apoptosis, a process where the cells destroy themselves. Daily intake of a glass of pomegranate juice can slow down the growth of cancerous cells in prostate cancer. Moreover it appears to block aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen, a hormone which plays a crucial role in the development of breast cancer.

5. Soothes the stomach:

Pomegranate juice is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery as it plays a vital role in the secretion of enzymes which aids proper digestion. Mixing 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of pomegranate juice is sure to cure indigestion problems.

6. Boosts immunity:

Pomegranate juice has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which help fight viruses and bacteria and boost our immunity system. It significantly reduces microbes that are found in the mouth commonly responsible for cavities and staph infections.. Its anti-microbial properties make it an inhibitor of HIV transmission. Out of all the fruits, pomegranate has the highest potential to inhibit the transmission of HIV.

7. Prevents anaemia:

Anaemia is a condition caused by the deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Since pomegranate juice contains ample amount of iron it helps in surmounting a deficit of red blood cells in the body if any. Mixing some candied sugar in pomegranate juice and introducing a couple of drops in the nostrils is a quick fix to control nose bleeds. It is an excellent remedy for red or sore eyes and falling eye lashes.

8. Improves digestion:

Pomegranate juice aids in the smooth functioning of the stomach, heart and liver. This juice induces hunger and can even control thirst. Therefore it is a great choice of drink during summers. It also soothes urinary tract infection and eases the flow of urine. The high amount of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble in pomegranate juice helps to improve digestion and regulate bowel movement. Since it has no saturated fats or cholesterol, it is highly recommended for those aiming to lose weight.

9. Helps in cartilage regeneration:

Pomegranate juice acts as an inhibiter on enzymes that are responsible for damaging the cartilage. It is therefore highly recommended for patients suffering from osteoarthritis, a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. Studies conducted have proved the application of this juice to reduce deterioration of the cartilage. Unsweetened pomegranate juice relieves symptoms of arthritis and bone inflammation. A regular intake of this juice may curb the onset of neurological problems like Alzheimer disease. It is also known to dissolve kidney stones and cure erectile dysfunction in men.

10. Good for prenatal care:

Pomegranate juice is extremely beneficial for pregnant women. It is a great source of a number of vitamins and minerals including folic acid which is a crucial element of a pre natal diet. The anti-inflammatory property of pomegranate juice ensures a healthy blood flow, which is essential for the overall development of the foetus. The potassium content in this juice can also help prevent leg cramps that are generally associated with pregnancy. When consumed regularly by expectant mothers, it is known to lower the risk of premature child birth or birth of babies with low birth weight.

Skin Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate juice, can be a secret potion to get a healthy, vibrant and youthful skin.

11. Anti-aging benefits:

A diet high in pomegranate juice can help to slow down the process of ageing by reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the face caused by constant exposure to sun. It also helps to sustain the regeneration of the skin cells and prevent hyper pigmentation and occurrence of dark spots.

12. Suited for all skin types:

Pomegranate juice works wonders for dry skin. Its small molecular structure penetrates deeply into the skin to provide ample moisturisation and hydration to the skin. Thus it soothes dry and irritated skin. Its content of punicic acid, an omega 3 fatty acid keeps the skin constantly hydrated by sealing in the moisture. Pomegranate juice is beneficial for oily and pimple prone skin too. Application of pomegranate juice on oily skin prevents the outbreak of pimples and controls the production of sebum.

13. Helps to heal scars:

Pomegranate helps in the regeneration of cells in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. It has an ability to hasten the process of healing of wounds. Even the oil of pomegranate seeds is loaded with skin friendly nutrients which are beneficial for the strengthening and regeneration of the epidermis. It also protects the skin from sun burns and heals the damage caused to the skin due to constant exposure to the sun.

14. Improves the texture of skin:

Pomegranates are also known to extend the life of fibroblasts which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin that tighten the skin and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin provide strength and support to the skin. When the fibers of collagen and elastin break down, the skin develops laxity which causes wrinkles and jowl. Pomegranate is also very useful for lightening the skin tone. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily gives a fair and glowing skin tone.

15. Pomegranate face mask for glowing skin:

Mix1 teaspoon each of powdered green papaya, grape seed oil, and grape seed extract with2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice and apply it on the face. Leave it on for about an hour and wash it off with lukewarm water.

You can also us a cotton ball to apply pomegranate juice directly on the face after cleansing.

16. Prevents skin cancer:

Pomegranate contains anthocyanins and hydrolysable tannins which possess strong anti-oxidant and anti-tumor promoting properties. When applied directly on the skin, ellagic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant found in pomegranates inhibits the growth of cancer of the skin.

Hair Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

17. Prevents hair fall:

Drinking pomegranate juice regularly helps strengthen the hair follicles which in turn prevent hair fall, thus giving the hair a healthy and lustrous appearance.

Some precautions to be exercised:

Pomegranate juice is not recommended for people suffering from influenza, cough, and constipation or for those with a phlegmatic condition.
Pomegranate juice has certain antioxidants that lower the blood pressure. Therefore, consumption of this juice in combination with medication prescribed to lower blood pressure can result in a condition with dangerously low blood pressure, known as hypotension.
People with certain plant allergies and asthma are always at a greater risk of developing an allergic reaction to this fruit. General allergic reactions include, vomiting, red itchy eyes, hives and difficulty in breathing.
Just like grapefruits, pomegranate is also known to interfere with some medicines, particularly those to lower cholesterol levels known as statins. It can also interfere with antidepressants, medication for AIDS and narcotic pain relievers.
Drinking one glass of pomegranate juice is all that is needed to experience the advantages of pomegranate juice. It is never too late to add this miracle juice to your daily diet plan as the amount of benefits that you would be reaping, definitely outweighs the drawbacks.


Home remedies for all your oral health problems


If we didn’t have teeth, we couldn’t eat most of the stuff we enjoy and our ability to pronounce words clearly too would get affected. That said, you need to take care of it every day in order to maintain it. Brushing, flossing and using a mouthwash daily is extremely critical in order to maintain good oral hygiene. However, what you eat also determines the health of your teeth and there are several foods you can eat to beat oral health issues like tooth decay, bad breath, mouth ulcers, gum disease and yellow teeth.

Home remedies for whiter teeth

We’ve heard so many weird home remedies that people use for whiter teeth. Though we do not endorse any of the below ourselves, thought we should share some of the most common ones:

Sesame oil
Our own traditional medicine – the Ayurveda – has a simple home remedy for whiter teeth in the form of oil pulling. It not only whitens the teeth but also detoxifies and cleanses the body. This simple and inexpensive technique involves rinsing your mouth with oil! Take a tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth early in the morning on an empty stomach. Gargle and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes ensuring to cover all corners of your mouth. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Practice this every morning and your teeth are sure to sparkle.

You probably know the health benefits of bananas. But did you know that the banana peel could possibly help your teeth sparkle too? Rub the white inside part a banana peel on your teeth. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse. Banana peel is a good source of minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc. It’s a good antioxidant and is also rich in carbohydrates and fibre.

You can either use dried, powdered leaves of the holy basil as it is or mix it with mustard oil/ orange peel powder for brushing your teeth. The highly valued holy basil (tulsi) is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth.

Charcoal of babul wood mixed with roasted alum and rock salt can be used as toothpowder for teeth whitening. The twigs of the babul (acacia or gum Arabic) tree have long been used as disposable toothbrushes and are useful in arresting gum bleeding and strengthening loose teeth. Charcoal’s adsorption quality makes it a good cleansing agent.

Roots of banyan tree
Chew on the roots of banyan (bargad) tree to keep your teeth pearly white. The aerial roots of the banyan tree are also another source of disposable toothbrushes. The astringent property of the roots helps whiten the teeth.

Gargling with apple cider vinegar is very effective in brightening your smile. It is known not only to remove stains to whiten teeth but also to kill the gum disease causing bacteria in your mouth. But avoid excess use as it may weaken the enamel.

Vitamin C rich foods
Vitamin C can lighten and brighten your teeth. Applying vitamin C rich lemon, tomatoes, oranges, strawberries, etc. directly on the teeth can help clean and whiten them. But since they are acidic, use them not more than once or twice a week. And remember to brush your teeth immediately after.

Home remedies for bad breath

Bad breath can be embarassing for you, and extremely unpleasant for those around you. Drinking more water, eating foods rich in Vitamin C and avoiding foods like onion, garlic and radish are just some of these tips.

Nutritionist and weight management expert Amrapali Patil shares tips on how to keep your breath fresh:

Just swish and swirl some water in the mouth like gargling (but softly, not loudly) and drink it up or rinse it out. Hydration is one of the solutions as when you get dehydrated, the saliva generated in the mouth automatically decreases. Saliva tends to clean the mouth by diluting the bacteria. Bacteria and their by-products are responsible for that offensive bad breath.

Vitamin C rich food items
Oranges, sweet lime, lemons, kiwis and all citrus fruits rich in the vitamin help in keeping the breath fresh. Vitamin C is known to fight bacteria.

When we crunch on to an apple, salivary secretion gets stimulated. This literally bathes the mouth and rinses out the odour generating bacteria in the mouth thereby making the breath fresh.

Cinnamon tea
It is helpful in keeping the mouth and breath fresh.

Here are some more things you can add.

Most products available in the market claiming to freshen your breath use this ingredient. Mint leaves or pudina, when eaten raw have a strong and cooling effect that freshens your breath.

Cloves are great for your oral health, and they’ve been traditionally used to alleviate toothache. They are also an excellent remedy for bad breath. You can either eat them raw, or mix it with your tea.

Fennel seeds
Extremely popular in India, and served in many restaurants at the end of your meal, fennel seeds or saunf are a great way to fight bad breath. Additionally, they also help secrete saliva in your mouth making them great for digestion too.

Another extremely popular breath freshener, cardamom or elaichi is used to flavor many foods. Eating them raw can give your mouth a strong aromatic scent. You could also add them to your tea.  

Home remedies for toothache

Toothache can be extremely difficult to handle, and it is recommended that you see a dentist each time you experience it. But, if it occurs at a wrong time then you can try these remedies for instant relief.

Cinnamon oil is known for its antibacterial properties. It is essentially good for the teeth and gums.  For toothache, chew on a small piece of cinnamon, to get some relief.

Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.

Clove is one of the best home remedies for toothache. Just pinch some clove into powder form and apply it directly wherever you are experiencing pain. You will get instant relief from toothache.

Home remedies for mouth ulcers

If the mouth ulcer is causing a lot of pain, gently rub a small ice cube over the spot or rinse your mouth with ice-cold water. This won’t make the ulcer disappear, but it can help reduce the pain. Similarly, you could also chew on a clove bud (lavang) and direct the juice so generated to the area where the ulcer is located. The mild anaesthetic effect of the clove will reduce the pain you feel. To prevent the ulcerated area from getting infected, make it a point to rinse your mouth with a little salt water.

The leaves of the tulsi plant have amazing medicinal properties and one of the important actions of tulsi is as an adaptogen – a substance that aids the body to adapt to stress. Chew a few leaves of tulsi along with some water about three to four times every day. This will help the ulcers go away faster and also have a preventive action against their recurrence.

Honey is a natural humectant – that is, it helps to retain moisture and prevent dehydration. It also helps reduce scarring and hastens the process of new tissue growth. This, along with its anti-microbial effect ensures faster healing of the mouth ulcer. You can either dab a little honey onto the mouth ulcer or mix in a little turmeric to make a paste that can be applied to the affected area.

Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds – khus-khus in Hindi – are said to have a cooling effect on the body. According to Ayurveda, too much heat in the body manifests as mouth ulcers and therefore, poppy seeds are a good remedy to overcome this problem.

Dry coconut, coconut oil and coconut water are the three products of the coconut tree that are very useful in treating mouth ulcers. Drinking tender coconut water helps to cool the body down. Applying a little coconut oil directly onto the mouth ulcer or chewing some coconut (fresh or dry) helps to reduce pain and inflammation and this helps the ulcers heal faster.

Called Mulethi in Hindi, Yashtimadhu in Sanskrit and Adhimadhuram in Tamil, licorice has several medicinal properties. Scientific studies have found that it contains ingredients with marked anti-inflammatory properties which are responsible for its action against painful mouth ulcers. Mulethi is available as stem pieces as well as in powder form. Rub the stem with a little water on a grinding stone and apply the paste to the ulcerated area. Or, if you buy the licorice powder, disperse it in some honey or medicinal quality glycerin and apply to the mouth ulcer. You can also mix a little licorice powder with turmeric into a glass of warm milk and drink three or four times in a day for good results.

Home remedies to prevent gum disease

The best way to keep gum disease at bay is good oral hygiene. In most cases it can be reversed by practising proper plaque control. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Floss once or twice a day preferably after dinner. You could also eat the following foods to keep gum disease at bay.

Whole grains
Research has shown that whole grains are great for your teeth. A study from McMaster University, Canada found that men who ate at least three servings of whole grains were 23% less likely to suffer from periodontitis than those who ate more wholegrain breads. It also stabilised blood sugar levels in diabetics which reduces periodontitis.

Green vegetables
Not only is green tea great for your overall health thanks to its high antioxidant value but it’s also great for your mouth! It has anti-inflammatory powers to prevent periodontal gum disease, prevents tooth loss and keeps bad breath away! In fact, it’s better for preventing bad breath than more commonly used items like mints and chewing gums!

Herbal remedies
In many parts of rural India, it’s the norm to use neem twigs to brush one’s teeth instead of toothpaste and brushes. The plant itself has immense antimicrobial and antifungal properties. A study tested whether neem could be used to treat gum disease and they found that it was actually better than regular mouthwash! Other than neem, ginger is known to help maintain healthy teeth and gums and prevent plaque.  The highly valued holy basil (tulsi), a natural antibiotic, is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth. The antibacterial property of basil can prevent dental plaque build-up and eliminate bad odour too.
