Thursday, 31 July 2014

Good health tip #3: Try jeera for relief from piles

Suffering from piles? Try jeera for some relief. Packed with minerals and vitamins like calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and A, jeera is one spice that can help your entire body.

Jeera contains fiber and carmative properties that make it a perfect way to improve digestion and soften stools. Apart from that, it also aids the stomach to move food easily down the digestive tract and clears up any infections you might have.  

Here’s how you can use jeera:

Dry roast some jeera seeds and grind them into a fine powder. Mix this powder in some warm water and drink this decoction every night before you sleep. After about three to four days you will find relief. 


‘Not all blood in stools is piles’


Blood in the stool can be quite frightening, whether you feel pain or not. The issue is most people believe that all such bleeding occurs due to piles. They either don’t do anything about it or opt for natural remedies and delay proper diagnosis and treatment. What they are not aware about is that a myriad of reasons ranging from anal fissures to cancer of the GI tract. Our expert Dr Vijaykumar Malladi, renowned laparoscopic and general surgeon says, ‘I have a number of patients who come to me with this symptom and say that they have piles. I have to explain to them that it is me who has to diagnose the problem and not them. In a large number of cases these people are diagnosed with fissures rather than piles.’

Firstly, one needs to understand that blood in a person’s stools could be from within the digestive tract (mainly bleeding in the rectum and anus or higher in the digestive tract like the colon). There could be a number of reasons for  bleeding within the digestive tract including:

Anal fissures: Is a cut or wound in the anus caused mainly due to passing hard stools, and in some rare cases due to frequent loose motions. The discerning characteristic of this condition is that the blood is usually bright red and is seen as either blood streaked stools or blood after the person has passed motion. Dr Malladi says, ‘ Fissures cause pain while passing motion. Patients describe it as a burning and pinching pain similar to when one gets cut or hurt repeatedly in the same place.’

Hemorrhoids or Piles: According to Dr Malladi  ‘The other common reason is piles, where there are certain blood vessels in the anal region that swell up, and then lead to bleeding. Within the digestive lining of the stomach there are a number of diverticuli or folds in the wall of the stomach. These walls are well supplied with blood vessels. In piles one section near the rectum or anus becomes swollen and ruptures leading to bleeding in the stool. In many people this is an intermittent problem and resolves itself.’ Patients with piles will generally not feel too much pain in the early stages. It is only when the condition worsens does the pain start. There are three degrees of piles. A first degree is where the swelling and bleeding is minimal. The second degree is where the piles temporarily protrude outside the anus, but retracts on its own. In the third degree or a prolapsed piles, it hangs outside the anus and does not retract.  To diagnose the extent of the condition a doctor will use something called a probe, with a camera fitted at the end. This helps the doctor look at the exact extent to which the disease has progressed. 

According to our expert Dr N.K Sharma, renowned naturopath, ‘Piles must be treated naturally. It is extremely important that one must correctly identify the exact source of the problem and not treat it superficially. Most doctors would recommend surgery, but it is my suggestion that surgery can lead to further problems.’As a remedy, I would suggest that the patient stop eating a high a protein diet. Avoid pulses, eggs, paneer and non-vegetarian foods.’

Peptic ulcers: Basically holes in the digestive tract, they are caused by infection by bacteria like Helicobacter pylori or excessive production of stomach acids. Constant irritation to this area causes bleeding, which is then seen in stools. In the case of peptic ulcers, the blood may not be visible to the naked eye. In such a case your doctor may prescribe a test called the faecal occult, which identifies the presence of small amounts of blood in feces
Colitis: As the name indicates, it is an infection within the colon (part of the intestine). This leads to inflammation and bleeding once faeces passes through the region. Tarry stools along with abdominal pain and constipation are hallmarks of this condition. Often one might experience symptoms like incomplete evacuation or recurrent constipation.

Inflammatory bowel syndrome: This is a condition where the inner lining of the bowel (lower digestive tract) becomes inflamed (red and swollen). In some cases this may be due to an allergy or infection. Although the condition might get resolved on its own, when this condition becomes worse it leads to bleeding.

Diverticular disease: This is a condition that occurs most commonly in older people, or those that take laxatives regularly. Diverticulitis is a condition where the lining of the intestine gets infected, leading to bleeding. In such a case the patient will notice black or ‘tarry’ stools. This is because the excess acids change the color of the blood which then gets mixed with faeces.

Polyps: Are small outgrowths along the digestive tracts. They can be either cancerous or benign. Since these outgrowths are heavily laden with blood vessels, when they rupture, it leads to bleeding internally.

Stomach Cancer: Dr Malladi says, ‘Most people ignore bleeding in the stomach, but when it is associated with symptoms like severe abdominal pain, passing motion twice or lesser than that in a week, loss of appetite and mild nausea, the patient should immediately visit a physician.’ Stomach cancers are more common than most people might think, and detecting its presence early is extremely important for effective treatment.

The right diagnosis is key

Initially a doctor will assess the patient’s symptoms to decide what type of diagnostic techniques should be used. The patient might have to get a stool test done. While this can identify the presence of blood in stools, it cannot indicate the exact area of the bleed for which one may be asked to undergo tests where the doctor inserts a probe via the anus (colonoscopy) or the mouth. In some cases, the stomach contents of the patients are emptied and tested for the presence of blood. If the doctor suspects  peptic ulcer caused by infection, blood tests may be advised.

Treatment options vary as per the diagnosis

According to Dr Malladi, ‘Treatment for fissures is usually very simple and requires only medication. It can be easily cured and does not require surgery. In the case of piles, it is a common belief that a person with piles must have surgery. That is not at all true. Only once the doctor determines the extent to which the condition has progressed can he/she prescribes either a course of medication or surgery. It is very important to get a proper medical diagnosis in such cases.’

Lastly, Dr Malladi adds, ‘If you see blood in your stools, please make it a point to visit a good doctor who can correctly identify the cause of the bleed. Do not go to quacks or clinics that offer a painless remedy for piles because that can cause more trouble than good. Always remember that not all blood in stools is piles.’


10 helpful tips to treat piles


Dealing with painful, itchy, bleeding piles can be stressful, not to mention embarrassing for a lot of people. They can occur all of a sudden and create discomfort within no time. Although you should be visiting a doctor if the pain is unbearable, if your problem is in the initial stages you can try these tips to get some relief.

1. Abstain from straining: Visit the toilet only when you feel the urge to defecate. Avoid other unrelated activities like reading newspapers while sitting on the toilet and waiting eagerly for the stool to arrive.

2. Hydrotherapy or sitz bath: Dr Ashwin Mallya, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgeon, suggests that sitz bath can be very effective in proving symptomatic relief for itchy, inflamed and painful piles. Taking a sitz bath is nothing but soaking your anal area in a tub with slightly warm water containing potassium permangante tablets/povidone iodine solution for about 10-15 minutes. The warm water and salt relieves congestion, improves anal circulation and reduces inflammation. If you don’t have a bath tub at home, you can get a sitz bath tub that easily fits over the toilet seat in a medical store.

3. Ice pack/cold compress: Ice is the most effective treatment for inflammation and swelling. If you can’t use an ice pack, crush some ice cubes and wrap it in a plastic bag or sheet. Use a wash cloth to cover the plastic bag. Lie on your back in a comfortable position and apply on the anal opening for about 10 minutes.

4. Eat more fibre-rich foods: Diet plays a very important role in preventing the occurrence of piles as well as reducing hemorrhoidal pain. A diet rich in complex carbohydrates and high in fibre is highly recommended for getting relief from piles. Fibre helps to relieve constipation and avoid straining, which both are major risk factors for developing hemorrhoids. Oatmeal, barley, whole-grain cereals, beans, leafy vegetables like spinach (palak) and fenugreek (methi) and citrus fruits like oranges are a few fibre-rich sources that can be included.

5. Consider fibre supplements: If you cannot have fibre-rich foods, consider taking fibre supplements. Clinical trials have shown that fibre supplements are 50% effective in treating non-prolapsing hemorrhoids (protruding out of the anal opening). Meaning, they lower the risk of persisting symptoms and bleeding piles, but may not be effective in improving pain, itching and prolapsing symptoms.

6. Eat flavonoid rich foods: Flavonoid rich foods like blackberries, blueberries, cherries and citrus fruits increase the strength in the vein structures, thereby improving circulation around the anus. A meta-analysis has shown that flavonoids help to reduce persistent symptoms of piles by about 58 per cent with a fair reduction in the risk of bleeding, persistent pain, itching and recurrence.

7. Apply petroleum jelly: People suffering from hemorrhoids/piles often spend time straining during their bowel movement. A lubricating agent like petroleum jelly can help you to avoid straining if you use it just before passing a bowel movement.

8. Increase water intake: Apart from fibre that helps in moving the digested food smoothly through the intestine, water helps to determine the consistency of your stools. When you drink less water, your intestinal walls absorb water from your stools to make them hard. And, hard stools cause constipation and straining which leads to piles. Hence, you should drink a lot of water so as to maintain stool consistency and preventing constipation and dehydration.

9. Avoid regular use of laxative medications: Laxative medications are generally used for treating constipation. They are drugs that either stimulate bowel movements and/or soften the stool. However, using them regularly can badly affect your bowel movement pattern and further worsen constipation. Instead include foods like bananas (especially boiled ones), figs, prunes, dried fruits which act as natural laxatives.

10. Extra care while pregnancy: Pregnant women should be extra care while using any natural remedy for treating piles. Consult your doctor before taking any laxative medication or cream. Eat healthy, avoid spicy foods and do mild exercise regularly. Do not sit or stand for a long period of time.


Alonso-Coello P and colleagues. Meta-analysis of flavonoids for the treatment of haemorrhoids.
Varut Lohsiriwat. Hemorrhoids: From basic pathophysiology to clinical management
The Complete Guide to Hemorrhoids by Seymour Wells
Textbook of Natural Medicine edited by Joseph E. Pizzorno, Michael T. Murray


Piles – causes, symptoms, complications and treatment


Most people do not have the correct conception about piles (also called hemorrhoids). It’s only when the pain becomes unbearable accompanied with loss of blood, a person seeks advice from family members or close friends. Visiting a doctor for appropriate treatment is probably the last option that people choose.

In this article, we highlight the importance of seeking medical help for piles at the right time. We also discuss what exactly piles are, and its causes, symptoms and treatment with inputs from our expert Dr Ajit Naniksingh Kukreja, laparoscopic GI & colorectal surgeon.

What are piles? When do they occur?

Your anal wall and rectum is protected by smooth muscles and connective tissue. The smooth muscles are lined by blood vessels called hemorrhoids. But pathologically, the term ‘hemorrhoids’ is used for lumps of coagulated blood caused due to inflammation and swelling when pressure is exerted on these blood vessels.

‘Hemorrhoids occur more commonly in young and middle-aged adults than in older adults. The prevalence of hemorrhoids increases with age, with a peak in persons aged 45-65 years, though we have operated cases as young as 13 years and as old as 85 years’, says Dr Kukreja.

What causes piles?

Dr Kukreja says, ‘The exact reason of hemorrhoidal symptoms is poorly understood. But there are a lot of factors that contribute to piles other than constipation. The prevalence of piles is found in around 4% of the population in US, but it is mentioned in literature that half the population above fifty will have symptoms of piles some time in their life. Contributing factors include:
  • Straining
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic cough
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites)
  • Low fiber intake leading to the formation of hard stools and excessive straining
  • Behavioral features such as prolonged time sitting on the toilet
  • Diarrhea and frequent bowel movements have the same effect as constipation
  • Ageing causes natural changes in supportive tissue making them less supportive
  • Elevated sphincter pressure which impairs venous drainage’

When should a person suffering from piles see a doctor?

Dr Kukreja says ‘Many patients are too embarrassed to ever seek treatment. But people should definitely see a doctor if the pain becomes unbearable, if there is persistent bleeding through the anal opening, if the hemorrhoids are irreducible and if they obstruct the anal passage due to blood clot.’

What happens if treatment is delayed?

‘Hemorrhoids can cause a lot of complications if they’re not treated at the right time. These include:
  • Excessive bleeding leading to anaemia
  • Infection
  • Anal fistula
  • Gangrene
  • Rarely incontinence’

What are the treatment options?

In most cases, piles get cured on their own with the help of dietary and lifestyle changes without the need for any treatment. High fibre intake by including cereals, fibrous fruits and vegetables in the diet helps in making the stool softer and relieving strain due to constipation.

Additionally, there are a few over-the-counter (OTC) medications in the form of creams and gels which help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the anal region.

Surgical intervention may be required in extreme cases. ‘There have been maximum advances in management of hemorrhoids ranging from stappled hemorrhoidectomy, radiofrequency, Doppler guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and lasers.’ mentions Dr. Kukreja.

In hemorrhoidectomy, the extra tissue that causes bleeding is removed surgically. Hemorrhoid stapling is done when blood flow to the tissue of hemorrhoid is blocked. This procedure is less painful than hemorrhoidectomy.

Can haemorrhoid surgery cause loss of bowel control? What can be done in such cases?

‘This is a myth and rarely may occur if the sphincter fibers (muscles that control opening of anal movement) are damaged during procedures by quacks, in most cases if detected early the sphincter can be repaired. In case the sphincter is damaged to irreparable stages the patient might need artificial anal sphincters’, highlights Dr Kukreja.


Asthma drug may help those with chronic hives

By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter

 (HealthDay News) -- A drug already used to treat moderate-to-severe allergic asthma appears to offer relief to people with chronic hives who haven't been helped by standard medications, new research suggests.

The prescription drug -- omalizumab (Xolair) -- is already available to treat hives, following U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval earlier this year for that use.

The current study confirms that when Xolair is taken at a high dose for a six-month period it seems to be both safe and effective at controlling the severe and often debilitating itching that characterizes long-term hives.

"So what we're talking about here are only chronic cases, in which patients have hives that last for more than six weeks," explained study senior author Dr. Karin Rosen, an associate group medical director with Genentech Inc., in San Francisco. "That's usually just .5 to 1 percent of hives patients."

"But for those patients, this is a really horrible disease," she noted. "And until now antihistamines have been the only approved drug for chronic hives. But to work, antihistamines often need to be used at up to four times approved levels, which has a sedating effect. And 50 percent of the time patients didn't respond anyway."

"So then," said Rosen, "they would try other types of medications, like systemic steroids. But over time steroids can have very severe side effects. So then we would turn to the heavy artillery, like [the immunosuppressant drug] cyclosporine, which also has very severe side effects, and can't be taken by people with high blood pressure or heart disease."

"All this means that many, many patients have simply been left without any treatment," she noted. "But with this drug we are seeing great improvement in patients who previously had no options. And that's very, very encouraging."

Rosen and her colleagues discuss their findings in the July 21 issue of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. The current study is the latest in a series of ongoing studies, which are being funded by drug manufacturer Genentech Inc. and Novartis Pharma AG in Basel Switzerland.

While not lethal, chronic hives can last for months, and tend to come and go without a clear idea of what brings it on. And, Rosen noted that almost half of chronic hive patients also have angioedema, a "scary and deforming" condition that involves deep tissue swelling, often affecting the eyes and the tongue.

To explore Xolair's potential, the team tested its effectiveness among more than 260 chronic hives patients for whom prior treatment had failed.

Patients were randomly divided into four groups, in which they were respectively treated with a once-a-month injection of Xolair at either a 75 milligram (mg) dose, a 150 mg dose, a 300 mg dose, or a dummy shot.

Tracking was conducted for both a three-month period and a six-month period.

The team found that by the 12th week, people given Xolair showed a marked reduction in their overall number of hives, hive intensity and itching severity, compared with patients who got the dummy treatment. And Rosen noted that roughly 40 percent saw a complete disappearance of all symptoms, while 80 percent experienced "what we call minimally important improvement."

Symptom relief was maintained through the six-month mark, and the authors determined that those treated with the highest (300 mg) dosage of Xolair saw the biggest improvement.

Side effects were described as being mild to moderate, and included headaches, joint pain, sinus infection and reactions at the point of injection.

The study authors acknowledged that more research will be needed to see how the drug performs over longer periods of time.

Dr. Robert Kirsner, chair of the department of dermatology and cutaneous surgery and chief of dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, suggested that the new intervention could prove to be a boon for a condition that "can significantly affect patients' quality of life."

"Patients suffer from this severe, recurrent itching, and it is a challenge for clinicians to find treatments that can help," he noted. "The data related to omalizumab use, in a well-performed randomized clinical trial, is extremely promising and offers hope for patients who have chronic [hives], and for the physicians who care for them."


Monday, 28 July 2014

New glaucoma treatment approved

Published July 28, 2014Reuters

Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis said the European Commission has approved its eyecare unit Alcon's Simbrinza treatment for glaucoma, a chronic, sight-threatening eye disease.

Alcon said in a statement on Monday the Simbrinza eye drops suspension had been approved to decrease elevated intraocular pressure in adult patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

"We are pleased to introduce the only fixed combination therapy without a beta-blocker to help more glaucoma patients manage their progressive eye condition," Jeff George, global head of Alcon, said in the statement.


Saturday, 26 July 2014

Blood Tests May Predict How Long Lou Gehrig's Patients Have to Live

Simple blood tests may one day help predict survival and the course of the disease in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease, Italian researchers report
The components in the blood that might yield clues to how fast ALS is progressing are called albumin and creatinine. These components are normally tested to follow kidney and liver health, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

But now it appears that these substances may be helpful for gauging the health of people with ALS, the new study suggests.

"The assessment of albumin and creatinine in the blood can reliably predict the prognosis of ALS at the time of diagnosis," said lead researcher Dr. Adriano Chio, a professor of neurology in the Rita Levi Montalcini department of neuroscience at the University of Torino.

The average survival of ALS patients is just one to three years after the diagnosis, according to background information in the study. Finding a simple way to predict progression of the disease might help doctors treat patients and help researchers evaluate new drugs, the study authors suggested.

"Currently, clinical trials rely on two main outcomes: survival, which is considered too rough and is largely biased by the different clinical practice of ALS centers; and the ALS functional scale, which has several limitations and is at least partly subjective. Researchers are actively looking for more objective [ways to predict] progression," Chio said.

Levels of albumin and creatinine might become a neurologist's tool for predicting patients' prognosis early in the disease, he said.
"In the research arena, albumin and creatinine could be used as [a way to track] disease progression in clinical trials for the discovery of new effective drugs for ALS," Chio added.

The report was published online July 21 in JAMA Neurology.

Dr. Ronald Kanner is chair of neurology at North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Manhasset, N.Y. He said the course of the disease is extremely variable. "Some patients succumb within a year and others progress very slowly, with 5 percent still alive after 20 years," Kanner said.

This great variability makes it difficult to judge the effectiveness of treatments aimed at slowing progression, he said. "The current study identified easily measurable substances in the blood that can give a clue to the severity of the disease and the impact of treatment," he added.

Kanner added: "ALS is a devastating disease that affects the nerve cells that control muscles. It causes progressive weakness and wasting of muscles and eventually leads to the inability to swallow or breathe."

For the study, Chio and colleagues looked at blood levels of albumin, creatinine, white blood cells, sugar, cholesterol and thyroid hormones in more than 600 people with ALS. They said they later validated their findings by duplicating the study in an additional 122 people with ALS.

Only levels of albumin and creatinine were related to survival in both men and women, according to the study findings. Lower levels of these substances were related to worse survival and muscle function.

Lower creatinine was related to a loss of muscle mass. And, lower levels of albumin were linked to increased inflammation, the investigators found.

The researchers suggest that longer-term studies following the levels of creatinine and albumin throughout the course of the disease would help better define their relationship to ALS symptoms and the progression of the disease,


Exercise Repairs the Brain

Exercise has been shown to have numerous benefits, even at the level of brain cells. For example, regular, vigorous exercise has been shown to cause special cells in the brain to increase their production of repair chemicals called neurotrophins. People with Alzheimer’s disease have been shown to have much lower levels of neurotrophins than normal.

In addition, exercise improves blood flow to the brain and increases protective antioxidant enzymes. People with minimal cognitive impairment, thought by some to be an early stage of dementia, can reverse memory problems with regular exercise combined with a proper diet.

Exercise causes the body to produce tremendous concentrations and types of free radicals and the production last for hours after the exercise is finished. This can be a double-edged sword. The burst of free radicals stimulates your cells to produce higher levels of antioxidant enzymes, which is very good. But it can also deplete your body’s antioxidant vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals, such as glutathione. This is very bad.

This means you should keep these protective substances at adequate levels by regular supplementation. The amount will depend on your intensity and duration of exercise. It is also important to use a mix of antioxidants because they each neutralize specific forms of free radicals.

While most exercises are good, it is important to exercise all of the muscles and to always include resistance exercises, as these build and prevent muscle loss, strengthen spinal discs and ligaments, and prevent a loss of bone calcium.

Exercise also improves blood flow and lymph flow to tissues and organs. Deep breathing during exercise specifically increases the flow of lymph (a second circulatory system in the body) in lymphatic vessels, including the heart and lungs. This cleanses the tissues of toxic buildup.

After exercise, it is important to rehydrate. This is best done with distilled water with magnesium added, which you can do yourself by emptying a 500 mg capsule of magnesium per gallon of water.

You should drink at least 12 to 16 ounces of water after exercise.


Will religion help eradicate gutka use?

A spiritual group here is seeking a ban on ‘gutka’ or chewing tobacco, saying it is mainly responsible for the rising incidence of oral cancer. The Gujarat unit of Gayatri Pariwar is planning to submit a memorandum signed by millions to both President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding a ban on gutka production. India needs to be made ‘gutka free’, said Gayatri Pariwar activist Kirit Soni, who heads the ‘Gutka Free India’ group. ‘Law prevents the sale of gutka in 26 states but there is no ban on its production,’ he said. ‘As a result, it is illegally sold in many places, and the young consume it.’ (Read: Ban on gutka, pan masala, khaini, supari – can we finally say goodbye?)

Dangers of gutka, khaini and other forms of smokeless tobacco

Sold as mouth fresheners or something similar, these products use menthol, perfume, spices, sugar, etc. to mask the bitter taste of tobacco and other carcinogens and get youngsters hooked. The truth is that tobacco remains the most dangerous consumer product in the world in the 21st century which kills half its patrons (and I see many of them every day, those who’ve been  disfigured by the most horrible forms of oral and mouth cancer) and its very existence is a bane to mankind.

 In India, tobacco causes 45% of all cancer deaths and 20% of all deaths. People find it impossible to quit because of the addictive nature of the chemical nicotine – so addictive that WHO considers tobacco addiction a disease which sadly afflicts one out of every three Indian. Along with tobacco, gutka and pan masala contains other harmful metal content like – lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, copper and nickel. Areca nut or betel nut – one of the main ingredients of all these products is a confirmed carcinogen according to WHO and a cause of severe illnesses.


Kumkumadi tailam — a herbal remedy for common skin problems

A healthy and glowing complexion requires a lot of care and pampering with the right nutrients. So what could be better than an herbal product that contains more than 15 ingredients with functions ranging from skin softening to lightening! Yes – such a product does in fact exist, and it is called kumkumadi tailam.

What is kumkumadi tailam

An Ayurvedic herbal oil that is a common household name throughout south India and especially Kerala, kumkumadi tailam is made up of kumkum – the common name for saffron. Saffron is the main ingredient of this oil that gives it the unique property of improving skin complexion and texture. The tailam also contains sandalwood, lotus pollen and turmeric along with several other ingredients that work wonders on facial skin. Here are some of the important actions of this oil:

Improves complexion

The saffron in kumkumadi tailam has anti-bacterial as well as antioxidant properties. As a result, it plays a vital role in keeping skin healthy, resulting in a healthy and glowing complexion. When used over an extended period of time, the saffron also removes tans from your skin and gives you a brighter skin tone.

Reduces skin blemishes

Conditions such as whiteheads, blackheads and acne lead to a sick-looking and blemished skin. Kumkumadi tailam contains saffron with healing properties; it also contains turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action and this can help to reduce the severity of skin problems, helping reduce skin blemishes.

Keeps skin young

The ingredients in kumkumadi tailam nourish the skin with phytoconstituents that have an impact on skin health. The oil base also allows for a gentle massage that helps to tone the facial muscles, keeping them healthy. As a result, regular use of this herbal, medicated oil has an anti-ageing effect and keeps your skin looking young and healthy.

Lightens dark circles

Kumkumadi tailam ingredients such as turmeric and sandalwood have the ability to lighten skin tone. This, along with their ability to remove skin blemishes, gives the oil the property of lightening the skin under the eyes. Regular use of kumkumadi tailam can therefore help to deal with dark circles under the eyes.

How to use kumkumadi tailam

To use the oil, take a few drops of the oil onto your hand and apply it as an even coat on the face. Use your fingers to carry out a gentle massage of the entire face. If you have acne, apply the oil gently to the affected area, but do not rub vigorously. Leave the oil on for about 20 minutes and then wash your face using warm water. This treatment can be repeated thrice a day, every day for one week. After this, you may reduce the frequency of treatment to about once a day.

Where to find kumkumadi tailam

Kumkumadi tailam is available at all leading stores that sell herbal or Ayurvedic medications. Several brands are available from different manufacturers such as Arya Vaidya Shala, Kottakkal, and Unjha Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Gujarat.

Kumkumadi tailam has several beneficial effects on facial skin and being herbal in nature, there is no danger of untoward effects. However, there is one disadvantage and that is for people with oily skin. If you do have oily skin, the tailam tends to aggravate the oiliness, leading to common problems associated with oily skin. Those with oily skin should therefore use kumkumadi tailam with caution, in small quantities, and restrict application to just once a day.


MH17: Mystery over 'train of the dead'

A ‘train of the dead’ sits in a dilapidated eastern Ukraine station, which is said to contain more than 150 bodies from the MH17 crash site.

A delegation from the International monitoring body the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe arrived around midday local time to inspect the wagons, accompanied by a convoy of heavily armed and nervous rebels.

As they opened the metal door to one of the carriages to inspect the interior, a stench of death wafted out, and black body bags were visible inside. “The special monitoring mission in its third day dealing with the incident has now monitored the location where bodies are being refrigerated in three wagons,” said Alexander Hug, the deputy chief of the mission. “We have not been able to count them as that would be too difficult in this situation,” he added.

The OCSE, which has had its access to the crash site itself limited in recent days, left in a convoy to return to the crash site.

Armed separatists at the scene refused to say how many bodies were in the train carriages or when they would leave. The train driver said he had no idea of the train's destination.


Thursday, 24 July 2014

Rebels agree to hand over MH17 crash bodies

Malaysian officials expect to receive airliner’s ‘black boxes’ from rebels

Ukraine’s pro-Russian rebels agreed last night to release the “black box” flight recorders from doomed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 and the bodies of most of the 298 people killed when it disintegrated over militant-held territory.

The separatists’ decisions were announced as US president Barack Obama again called on Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to help meet international demands for a full, open investigation into last Thursday’s disaster.

Kiev and its western allies believe the rebels struck the Boeing 777 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with a surface-to-air missile brought into Ukraine from Russia, but Moscow claimed yesterday that a Ukrainian fighter jet was unusually close to the airliner before it crashed over Donetsk region.

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said a train carrying about 200 bodies had last night left a station near the crash site and was heading towards government-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. “The train is going to Donetsk, which is held by rebels, and the aim is that it will continue to the final destination, Kharkiv,” said Mr Rutte, whose country lost 193 citizens in the disaster.

“In Kharkiv, we are ready to pick up the bodies . . . It will take 10 or 12 hours just to get to Kharkiv, and then you have technical problems making sure the bodies get to the Netherlands as quickly as possible,” he said, adding that “the way the victims’ bodies were handled appears to have been more careful than we thought”.

Malaysian response

Malaysian officials expected to take custody of the plane’s two flight recorders at rebel headquarters in Donetsk last night.

Malaysian premier, Najib Razak, said separatist “prime minister” Alexander Borodai had also agreed to give investigators “safe access” to the large crash site east of Donetsk, near the Russian border.

“I must stress that although an agreement has been reached, there remain a number of steps required before it is completed,” Mr Razak added.

Ahead of a UN Security Council vote that passed a resolution demanding proper access for experts to the crash site, Mr Obama said the separatists must stop removing wreckage that could hold clues to the plane’s demise.

“What exactly are they trying to hide?” he asked, amid US claims to have strong evidence pinning the catastrophe on a rebel missile strike.

Russia, meanwhile, bowed to intense pressure to help aviation investigators, joining the rest of the security council to vote for a resolution demanding unimpeded international access to the crash site.


Air Algerie flight AH-5017 ‘probably crashed’ in Mali

A television camera operator mounts a satellite dish on top of a van outside the Swiftair offices in Madrid, Spain, on Thursday. A flight operated by Air Algerie and carrying 116 people from Burkina Faso to Algeria's capital disappeared from radar early Thursday, the plane's operator said. (AP Photo/Paul White)

ALGIERS, Algeria: An Air Algerie flight carrying 116 people from Burkina Faso to Algeria’s capital disappeared from radar early Thursday over northern Mali during a rainstorm, officials said. France deployed fighter jets to search for wreckage and the country’s president said the plane most likely crashed.

The MD-83 vanished less than an hour after takeoff from Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Air Algerie Flight 5017 was operated by Spanish airline Swiftair, which owns the plane.

“Everything allows us to believe this plane crashed in Mali,” French President Francois Hollande said in a statement after an emergency meeting in Paris with senior officials, adding the crew changed its flight path because of “particularly difficult weather conditions.”

Earlier, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters in Paris the plane “probably crashed” and no “trace of the aircraft has been found.”

Two French fighter jets are among aircraft scouring the rugged north of Mali for the plane, which was traveling from Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, to Algiers, the Algerian capital.

Hollande said “all military means we have in Mali” were being activated for the search, through the night if needed. France has considerable military means in Mali, because of its intervention in the country in January 2013 to rout Islamic extremists who were controlling the north.

The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, known as MINUSMA, was also helping in the search, UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said.
More than 50 French were onboard the plane along with 27 Burkina Faso nationals and passengers from a dozen other countries. The flight crew was Spanish.

Before vanishing, the pilots sent a final message to ask Niger air control to change its route because of heavy rain in the area, Burkina Faso Transport Minister Jean Bertin Ouedraogo said.

A resident who lives in a village in Mali about 80 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of the town of Gossi said he saw a plane coming down early Thursday, according to Gen. Gilbert Diendere, heading the crisis committee set up in Burkina Faso.

“We think that it is a reliable source because it corresponds to the latest radar images of the plane before it lost contact with air controllers,” Diendere said.

Radar images show the plane deviated from its route, Diendere said. Gossi is nearly 200 kilometers (175 miles) southwest of Gao. The vast deserts and mountains of northern Mali have been the scene of unrest by both Tuareg separatists and Islamist radicals.

The disappearance of the Air Algerie plane comes after a spate of aviation disasters. Fliers around the globe have been on edge ever since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in March on its way to Beijing. Searchers have yet to find a single piece of wreckage from the jet with 239 people on board.

Last week, a Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by a surface-to-air missile while flying over a war-torn section of Ukraine. The back-to-back disasters involving Boeing 777s flown by the same airline were too much of a coincidence for many fliers.

Then this week, US and European airlines started canceling flights to Tel Aviv after a rocket landed near the city’s airport. Finally, on Wednesday, a Taiwanese plane crashed during a storm, killing 48 people.

It’s easy to see why fliers are jittery, but air travel is relatively safe.

There have been two deaths for every 100 million passengers on commercial flights in the last decade, excluding acts of terrorism. Travelers are much more likely to die driving to the airport than stepping on a plane. There are more than 30,000 motor-vehicle deaths in the US each year, a mortality rate eight times greater than that in planes.

Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal said on state television that 10 minutes before disappearing, it was in contact with air traffic controllers in Gao, a city under the control of the Malian government, though it has seen lingering separatist violence.

The plane had been missing for hours before the news was made public. It wasn’t immediately clear why airline or government officials didn’t release information earlier.

Ouagadougou is in a nearly straight line south of Algiers, passing over Mali.

Northern Mali fell under control of ethnic Tuareg separatists and then Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic extremists following a military coup in 2012. A French-led intervention last year scattered the extremists, but the Tuaregs have pushed back against the authority of the Bamako-based government.

A senior French official said it seems unlikely that fighters in Mali had the kind of weaponry that could shoot down a plane.

The official, not authorized to speak publicly, said on condition of anonymity that they primarily have shoulder-fired weapons — not enough to hit a passenger plane flying at cruising altitude.

Swiftair, a private Spanish airline, said the plane was carrying 110 passengers and six crew, and left Burkina Faso for Algiers at 0117 GMT Thursday (9:17 p.m. EDT Wednesday), but had not arrived at the scheduled time of 0510 GMT (1:10 a.m. EDT Thursday).

Swiftair said it has not been possible to make contact with the plane and was trying to ascertain what had happened. It said the crew included two pilots and four flight attendants.

Later, Swiftair said the plane was built in 1996 and has two Pratt & Whitney JT8D-219 PW engines. It can carry 165 passengers.

Swiftair took ownership of the plane on Oct. 24, 2012, after it spent nearly 10 months unused in storage, according to Flightglobal’s Ascend Online Fleets, which sells and tracks information about aircraft. It has more than 37,800 hours of flight time and has made more than 32,100 takeoffs and landings. The plane has had several owners over the years, including Avianca and Austral Lineas Aereas.

If confirmed as a crash, this would be the fifth one — and the second with fatalities — for Swiftair since its founding in 1986, according to the Flight Safety Foundation. The only other fatal crash for the airline came on July 28, 1998, when the two pilots died on a cargo flight to Barcelona.

Algerian aircraft were also overflying the region around Gao to try to locate wreckage, said Houaoui Zoheir, spokesman for the Algerian crisis center. He provided no details on the type or number of aircraft.

“As long as we haven’t found the wreckage, we can’t talk of a crash,” he said. “We talk of loss of contact.”

The passengers include 51 French, 27 Burkina Faso nationals, eight Lebanese, six Algerians, five Canadians, four Germans, two Luxemburg nationals, one Swiss, one Belgium, one Egyptian, one Ukrainian, one Nigerian, one Cameroonian and one Malian, Ouedraogo said. The six crew members are Spanish, according to the Spanish pilots’ union.

The MD-83 is part of a series of jets built since the early 1980s by McDonnell Douglas, a US plane maker now owned by Boeing Co. The MD-80s are single-aisle planes that were a workhorse of the airline industry for short and medium-range flights for nearly two decades. As jet fuel prices spiked in recent years, airlines have rapidly being replacing the jets with newer, fuel-efficient models such as Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s.

There are 496 other MD-80s being flown by airlines around the world, according to Ascend.

“We’re aware of reports on Air Algerie Flight AH5017,” Boeing spokesman Wilson Chow said. “Our team is gathering more information.”


Diabetics receive fasting tips

HEALTH EDUCATION: Participants at the Ramadan health awareness program conducted jointly Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH) and King Saud University Medical City (KSU-MC) in Riyadh.

A health awareness campaign conducted jointly by Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH) and King Saud University Medical City (KSU-MC) in Riyadh was held to promote the effects of fasting on patients’ health, in particular those suffering from diabetes.

The campaign, launched under the title “Health Awareness for Fasting” showcased a wide selection of dates available in the Kingdom, their nutritional value, healthy food samples and alternative food resources.

The planning committee also provided health guidelines for diabetic patients to manage their medical condition in addition to scheduling their medication during the holy month of Ramadan.

Visitors were briefed by health experts on the most critical health issues that diabetics may face while fasting and how they can be avoided.

Notably, the campaign hosted a number of nutritionists who answered questions regarding healthy habits and diets during the holy month.

The participants in the campaign also distributed pamphlets with diabetes diets and food tips.

The campaign was sponsored by Majed Al-Obailan, deputy medical director, KAUH.

Addressing the audience and guests, Al-Obailan said that the campaign has been running for several years now, with the aim of educating the patients of the KSU-MC to spread health awareness in the community.

Al-Obailan conveyed his gratitude to Abdulrahman Al-Muammar, chief executive officer, KSU-MC, professor Fahad Al-Zamil, dean of the College of Medicine and supervisor of university hospitals, for their untiring support of conducting significant events toward building a healthy environment for a disease-free society.

KSU-MC had also conducted earlier an open day for hospital patients in the main hall of the hospital to celebrate and welcome the holy month. Such events are considered an important part of the social activities piloted by the Medical City which aim to make the patients feel cared for.

According to heath experts, such campaigns have great impact on patients’ treatment and can lead to speedy recovery.


Air Algerie Flight AH5017 Crashes in Niger Due to Bad Weather

                       Air Algerie AH5017 crashes in Niger due to violent stormReuters file photo

The disappeared Air Algerie flight AH5017 has crashed in Niger after flying through violent storms, it has been confirmed.

Algerian television station Elnahar confirmed the plane went down due to bad weather and an Algerian aviation official had told Reuters flight AH5017 had crashed.

The region was badly affected by violent storms and it was earlier said the plane was rerouted while it was flying over Mali.

The plane crashed after passing the capital of Niger and it is presumed all 116 people on board have been killed. The flight was said to have been found near Niamey, the capital of Niger.

There were six crew members, mostly Spanish, and 110 passengers, comprising mainly French people, when the plane went down.

The flight, which departed from the Burkinan capital city of Ouagadougou, lost contact with ground control while it was cruising above Malian airspace and was said to be an hour away from the Algerian border.

The flight was scheduled to land at its destination at about 05:10 local time but there was no communication with the ground, despite officials trying to make contact for six hours.

Air Algerie flight AH5017 took off from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso and was heading for AlgiersGoogle


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Remedies for Lower and Upper Back Pain Casuses, Relief and Home Treatment

Health Tips

Unfortunately for the millions of people suffering from chronic low back pain, there is no one certain cure. The key is to find what works for you, often through trial and error.

Pain is a terrible thing that discomfort the whole body, pain can occur everywhere, but mostly it appears in joints and muscles. Pain disturbs all body parts and sometimes it causes a huge hurdle even in walking. Elder people and women are mostly the victim of pain in different parts of the body, elder people feel pain in joints, which is called arthritis and women feel pain in their backbone, which is called backache. 

Back pain is the pain felt in the back. Overweight and obese person feel pain in their joints due to their weight, which is unbearable for joints or it is more than the capacity of joints and bones. In our daily life we damage our muscles and bones by ourselves by mistaken or due to unawareness of body position. Our body movements and posture is not according to medical standard and advice so due to this reason we hurt our muscles and push extra pressure on bones.

 The major complaint from women is back pain usually it goes away by itself while in some cases it goes in prolong and known as a chronic pain. Women are more victim of back pain than men due to this reason women need more calcium than men.

Causes of Back Pain: 

The main reasons behind back pain either upper back pain or lower back pain are relax and lazy lifestyle and to avoid this situation one should take part in physical activities and exercises. Backbone is the key part of the body, which bears the weight of whole body and connect all four limbs. The weight that a body picks directly or indirectly affects the backbone. The backbone or spinal cord is composed of small parts of bones known as disks, usually the backbone disc slip partially due to extra weight and cause a severe pain.

 Be careful about your lifestyle and do not lift heavy objects with bending position, in majority of cases backbone pain occur due to carelessness. Back pain also feel due to heavy long hours work and it also starts due to calcium deficiency. Back pain is a common problem all over the world, but mostly elder people and adults with age groups from thirty five to fifty five years are the main victims of back pain. To fulfill the need and demand of bones and muscles take balance diet that also contains fresh milk. Milk is the primary source of calcium and strong the bones.

Some other causes of back pain are:  awkwardly moving here and there for long time, carrying, pushing or pulling incorrectly, slouching in chairs, twisting, over-stretching, driving in a hunched position or driving for long periods without taking rest or break, lifting broad weights and overutilization of the muscles.

We've borrowed these tips to reduce or relieve lower and upper back pain from our readers. Try them out, and let us know which ones work for you.  Try the following activities to release these feel-good messengers:

1. Exercise and physical activities build the muscles and develop flexibility which will be helpful for avoiding backache or back pain. Stretch and bend your body in front, back and side by side directions.

2. Right posture is helpful in reliving back pain and it is according to medical point of view stand up as straight that your ears are over your shoulders and shoulders should be on the straight line of hip joints while the hip joints should be on the line of ankles. This posture is medically correct and it reduces the back pain.

3. In sitting position you have to fit and attach your back with chair back and straight your backbone with chair, it is good for back pain and it protects from future backache. Keep your body moving and participate in exercise like swimming, it will be helpful for the strengthen of back muscles.

4. Take care during uplifting of heavy objects and for this you have to first bend on the knee and bring the object near your body. Do not twist your body during uplifting heavy load, the twisting can hurt your muscles and can dislocate the bones from the joints. The dislocation of bones from the joints is known as dislocation.

5. Overweight and obesity is also a cause of back pain so try to reduce body weight with simple weight loss tips. Pregnancy is also a common cause of back pain in women and is for the time being and after delivery women back into their normal health.

6. Increase your intake of calcium and the main source of calcium is fresh milk, visit your doctor or orthopedic physician for your bones check up. Follow the instructions given by the doctor. In advance age calcium cannot deposit in bones so a regular supply of calcium is needed.

7. Try to use home remedies, balm and vicks for back pain treatment.

These are simple tips, tricks, exercises, home remedies and treatments for back pain. I hope these tips will help you to get rid of upper or lower back pain. If you have some proven prescriptions for back pain then please share it with others. Your comments about this article would be much appreciated so that I could write more articles.

Panchakarma treatment — the different aspects of the Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system that is based on the theories of how the body works. First practiced in India this form of treatment is quickly becoming the go-to form of therapy for those who want to avoid the ill-effects of other forms of medicines. As is the case with any other form of healing however, Ayurveda also has a number of treatment modalities, and one such aspect is panchakarma.

We spoke to Dr.Swapnil Bhanushali, Ayurvedacharya about panchakarma and what this form of treatment entails.

What is panchakarma? 

Panchakarma includes 5 therapeutic procedures that are indicated to the person suffering from different types of diseases. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine. Our human body is made up of doshas (functional elements), dhatus (structural elements) and malas (waste products). There are three doshas in our body, namely vata, pitta and kaph. These three doshas have specific functions to be carried out in our body and their balance is responsible for our health, while a loss of balance is known to cause diseases. The panchakarma procedures bring these doshas to their normal balance thus restoring complete health. The practice revolves around 5 therapies, they are:

  • Vamana – induced vomiting (for disturbed kaph dosha)
  • Virechana – induced purgation (for disturbed pitta dosha)
  • Basti – Medicated enema (for disturbed vata dosha)
  • Nasya – for diseases of the head
  • Raktamokshan – Bloodletting (for doshas disturbing blood)

Apart from these main procedures there are different ancillary procedures like Abhyangam (body massage with Ayurvedic oil), Swedanam (causing sweating), Shirodhara (medicated oil pouring on head) and Pinda sweda (sweating done by medicated bolus).

What is this type of treatment used for? 

Diseases are the outcome of disturbed doshas, and thus panchakarma treatment is used for all types of diseases. Some of the diseases that are commonly treated are:

  • Vamana for kaph predominant diseases like obesity, thyroid, diabetes, asthma, PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and skin diseases.
  • Virechana for pitta predominant diseases like hyperacidity, skin diseases and menstrual disorders.
  • Basti for vata predominant diseases like arthritis, spondylitis, paralysis, etc.
  • Nasya for migraine headache, sinusitis, hair fall, premature graying of hair, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylitis, sleeplessness, allergies, etc.
  • Raktamokshana for gouty arthritis, boils, skin diseases, etc.
  • Shirodhara for sleeplessness, headache, dandruff, psychological diseases, etc.
  • Abhyangam for relaxation and frequent body pain.

Can only people with certain diseases get the therapy, or can healthy individuals also get it for their general health? 

While panchakarma is used in the treatment of a particular disease, this form of therapy can be used for people who are predisposed to particular conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc. In a healthy individual panchakarma is used more as a tool to prevent the onset of diseases to maintain one’s overall health.

What precautions should people take while on the treatment?

While on panchakarma therapy, a patient must remember that only if they follow the prescribed  regime properly (as being advised by the Ayurvedic doctor) and make changes in their lifestyle as per instruction, will the treatment work to the optimum level.

Are there any side-effects of the treatment?

Yes, if not done properly there can be side effects. That is why it is essential that people go to the right Ayurvedic practitioner and get appropriate treatment. Don’t go to quacks or people who simply say they are Ayurvedic doctors. Ayurveda is a medical science and not anyone can gain this expertise.
